What's up, blogkateers? What should I call my legions of adoring fans, anyway? Squeegee Nation? Squeegeeheads? The Dirty Half-Dozen?
Maybe I should put more thought into this. Or maybe I've given it too much thought as it is.
Well, whoever you are, this comic appeared in over over 450 newspapers across the country two weeks ago:

Now, local sports anchor Bob Lobel is filing a libel suit against Get Fuzzy creator Darby Conley.
The comic never actually says he's drunk, only that it looks that way. And he does look drunk half the time, as anyone in New England whose seen him on TV in the past few years can attest. People reading this in the rest of the country don't even know who he is, they probabally thought it was a made-up name. He could have just let it go, since most people would have forgotten about it five seconds after they read it, if they even read it at all. But now he's drawing all kinds of attention to the strip and himself.
A Google search for Bob Lobel drunk came up with 781 results. This one was among the more entertaining. I hope he realizes that in order for it to be libel, it has to be false.
My brother's going to his prom tonight with the Emo girl. Full report

I love Get Fuzzy.
Just sayin.
BTW- a big fat NO to "Squeegeehead"! And the others too.
if it were a vote i'd say " mini Squeegee Nation " that way we can all feel like we are (stealing a quote from NYPINTA) all "head banging in the mini-van" only substitue it to say "We r thust banging (keyboards) away at the mini squeege" whatever...
*mental note to rename "graceland" to Miss Squeegeeehead
"thrust banging"? Um... really? :P
what a typo! But it does work. was supposeto read "thus" oh well... But idaho (pun intended) Thrust Banging kinda sounds like the intro to a porn flick... DAMN why cant the comment section have spell check! Well... prolly wouldnt have caught that... thrust is a word...
I FORGOT TO ASK what is an EMO? I don't have the nerve to click on the link at askew
I am a card carrying member of Squeegee Nation.
I thought the Squeegee Nation was made up of those people who wash your windows at the stoplights. Hmm, maybe there's a new career opportunity for me...
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