So much to say, so little ambition to write it all down. I suppose the best way to do this is the time-honored tradition of bullet points. Hopefully, they won't show up as weird symbols like whenever I try to use an actual apostrophe instead of a foot mark. (also known as the "dumb apostrophe," by people who like to come up with mean names for things.)
• By now, everybody and their unibrowed cousin Willard has written a review of The Hitchhicker's Guide to the Galaxy. So I won't say much about it other than that I thought is was great and I was able to follow the story despite having never read the books. Actually, I didn't really know anything about the story prior to a few months ago when the trailer came out. I knew there had been a TV version, which I was sure that I vaguely remembered. I heard fans of Douglas Adams' work talk about how funny the story was, and it seemed to starkly contrast the dark show that I remembered from childhood. It turns out that what I was thinking of wasn't the six part BBC program, but the old Canadian-made HBO series The Hitchhicker.

• I went on a little goodwill tour of a few blogs the other day, and on Moo Alex, there's a link to Yoda's blog, which just might be the best thing ever. My favorite one is about Mace Windu's stubble. Go read it now. I'll stay here and whittle something.
Back already? Well, I couldn't really get a handle on the whole whittling thing, so I just covered an old Happy Meal toy in Sterno and set it on fire.

• Tomorrow, MIT is holding the first and only Time Travel Convention. The idea is that people in the future will have heard of the event that took place on May 7, 2005, and if time travel ever becomes a reality, they would travel back to that day to attend. The official website says technically, there only needs to be one time traveler convention. Time travelers from all eras could meet at a specific place at a specific time, and they could make as many repeat visits as they wanted. Amal Dorai, the event's coordinator, said, "The chance that anybody shows up is small, but if it happens it will be one of the biggest events in human history." It's going to rain this weekend. That's kind of a downer, since if this actually works, then every time someone goes to the Time Travel Convention they'll have to bring an umbrella.
• Speaking of potpourri, for the longest time, I used to refer to the crushed red pepper as "that potpourri-looking stuff." The waitress always knew what I was asking for.
Do something about the weird looking symbols!!!!
I tried to read it, but the weird looking symbols distracted me.
Hit reload. Or refresh. Whatever the third button in on the top is.
Oh, much better. The weird looking sybols look much more refreshed now.
That Yoda blog is hilarious. I was laughing so hard, I shot Mt. Dew out my nose. Somebody's going to be paying for my nasal surgery now.
The third button in is the stop button. Bet that's doin' ya a lot of good.
On my browser (Firefox), there's four buttons: Back, Forward, Reload, Stop.
I thought the setup was the same on all browsers. Now I know. And knowing is half the battle.
That explains a lot about his single posts. He posts once, hits stop for 2 hours, then gives up and shuts down. :D
About the Mt. Dew: If you get a blister, blame the hooker, not the pimp. I got yer back, John.
"He has enough problems figuring out which is the gas and the breaks."
Thats the kind of thing you only get to get wrong once...
BTW- 'speaking of potpourri' when no one mentioned it is damn funny.
I don't know why.
Potpourri was mentioned in the title, remember? This post was about several, non-related topics, just like the Potpourri category in Jeopardy. Somehow it's all less funny when you have to explain it.
I didn't ask you too, so don't blame me! ;)
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