Have you ever got a song stuck in your head, but you don't...hey look, a balloon!

That was weird. Anyway, I've had this song stuck in my head for the past two days, and it's driving me nuts. It's one of those songs that you'd hear when you're in line at a department store, or waiting at the dentist's office. I don't know what it's called, or who sings it; I don't even know the words. But there's this one part that keeps cycling through my brain, right after the woman sings something that ends with "hold you dear," or "happy dear," the backing vocals say something like, "Smells like egg nog."
I know that can't possibly be right, but I have no idea what they're really saying, and all I hear, over and over again, is "Smells like egg nog." Does anyone think they know what song that is, and more importantly, what they're saying? As far as I know, they really are saying "smells like egg nog." Maybe it's a Christmas song. After all, I was amazed when I found out Prince actually was saying "raspberry beret."
In other news, there's been an influx of people saying "Joey Bag O Donuts" around the office recently. Joe's been saying it for a while now, and as usual, for no apparent reason. But now we're all saying it, because, well, it's fun to say. Joey Bag O Donuts.
Joe labels everything. It's gotten a little better since we got the laptops, but he used to have yellow sticky notes all his monitor. BACK UP YOUR WORK AT 4:30. TABLOID PAPER IS IN TRAY 2. REMEMBER TO TAKE YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE PILLS. In his folder on the server, he's created two sub-directories; • Active Jobs and • In-Active Jobs. As a joke, John T. added a third folder, • Fairly Sluggish Jobs. I think it was two days before Joe even noticed.
Yesterday, John T. added a new folder inside • Fairly Sluggish Jobs called "Bag o' Donuts." John M. decided to take it a step further and add some photos of bags of doughnuts. He searched Yahoo for some pictures, and eventually found this:

"This is perfect! Bud has doughnuts!" He said, reading the name of the image to me.
He snuck into John T.'s office to show him his contribution. A few seconds later, I heard bursts of laughter, much more than that stupid picture should have warranted.
"John," John T. said, "this says 'Buddha's Doughnuts!"
It was, in fact, BuddhasDoughnuts.jpg. Here is an excerpt from the website it comes from (about an expedition to the summit of Mt. Everest):
Our fantastic cook, Buddha made and served the most fantastic doughnuts this lunchtime. Everyone enjoyed them immensely. Buddha has done a remarkable job thus far; we all remain strong because of this fine cook. We are all working together, which is so important for success up here....
Bud has doughnuts. I must have laughed for a solid ten minutes after that. Of course, once the laughing stopped, all I could think about was that egg nog song again.
I didn't get much done yesterday.
UPDATE! I found the song! And it doesn't sound anything like "smells like egg nog!" But I still don't know what they're saying. Listen to As I Lay Me Down yourself and let me know what they're saying in the background! Now I'm leaning more towards "Una gato."
YET ANOTHER UPDATE! Okay, it's September 14, why in the blue hell are so many people viewing this page from last month? What's the deal?

I am sitting here trying to put into words the thoughts in my head, but honestly . . . is anything I could ever say going to be funnier than the actual items laid out in your recent post.
I'll have one with extra Karma, please.
Ben O.
The thought of Buddha filling his belly with donuts makes me so happy!
I'll keep an ear peeled in the elevator for that song that's torturing you...
That's some funny stuff :) I can't even add to it... this sucks.
No clue on the song, sorry. But the mention of Buddha got One Night In Bangkok stuck in my head, so thank you.
I found the song! It's As I Lay Me Down by Sophie B. Hawkins. I found the lyrics online, but they didn't have the part that the background people say. So it really didn't help me too much. But it's a start, right?
That balloon is going to be in Boston Common until September 5. It's $12 to ride. Here's the article for all the Boston-based readers.
I love that song. But I fail to recall any reference to egg nog. I'll listen more closely next time. Right now, I'm listening to Chris Isaak, so it's going to have to wait.
I've always wanted to ride in an hot air balloon. And preferably being in possession of water balloons while in the hot air balloon.
Buddha's donuts! LOL! I'm actually crying I was laughing so hard!
"I love that song. But I fail to recall any reference to egg nog."
But you know the part I mean, right? During the chorus, after she says "That you will hold me dear", that's when they say it.
Okay, I just downloaded it, and um...ahem...that part doesn't actually sound anything like "smells like egg nog."
It sounds more like a different language, like Spanish. Una gatto? One cat, maybe? That doesn't make any sense...
I'd never heard it before, but alas...
It still doesn't quite make the egg nog connection...
It does kind of sound like "Who likes tacos," plus it kind of goes along with the Spanish theory.
I have no idea where "smells like egg nog" came from. I hadn't heard the song in a long time, and I guess I just used those words as placeholders because I at least knew that whatever they were saying had four syllables.
Personally I think it sounds like, "Wanna make jello?"
"Damn I Wish I Was Your Lover" was Sophie B. Hawkins best song in my opinion. I can't believe it's like 10 years old already.
hehehehee wow, your blog is hilarious. truly made me laugh, I love when I find really unique stuff when I take the time to sift through bullshit
I'm the only one thinking "up up and away in my beautiful, my beautiful balloooooooooooooon?" I'll be thinking that all day. I'm glad I found my way here. Very funny!
"OO LA KA KO" I want a prize! Perhaps a taco?
Sorry, don't know if the whole link showed up, it ends down.shtml
Please everyone, help John figure this out....he's been driving me crazy! I can't stand the song, so I won't listen to it 50 times! ;)
Chloe, I don't think anyone knows what it actually is!
In addition to "Ooh la kah koh," One person on that site had the original lyrics as "Comes out, comes out!" Another had it as "Well I've Got Hope" One had "Oh, darlin'!" Which isn't even the same number of syllables. These were all listed as the original lyrics, remember, not the misheard ones.
Poor john. Too bad I don't have speakers on my computer. I'm such a cheapskate.
Okay, I listened to the song three times. This is what the chorus says: "smells like homogenized eggnog."
Very good! You were only one word off!
I'm starting to get concerned because this is the second time you write something that most people would need an explanation about ('Scooter my daisy heads' being the first.) I knew exactly what song you were referring to the second I read this. Props to you though- I always wondered what they said but never took the time to look it up.
I think most people have heard that song before, whether they wanted to or not.
But I am surprised you knew it based on the two or three lyrics I provided.
Thanks to stupid work I can't listen to the song, but I can guarantee they're not saying "una gato" as gato is masculine and una is feminine. Just my little bit of extreme unhelpfulness.
I'll never tell....
dunkino donutos!
Aw, nuts to you then.
i think they say "when i got home."
but i'll never tell why we're all here.
Cracker, Please.
Cracker? Is that a clue? Dammit! I wish Matlock were here.
I always thought it was "Origato," which as any Styx fan can tell you means thank you in Japanese.
" I'll never tell....
dunkino donutos!"
"but I'll never tell why we're all here. Cracker, Please."
Huh. I guess I should pick up Mike Birbiglia's CD.
"oooh la kako" is correct indeed. It means "Wash your feet before you go to bed."
yep... "Fans of Sophie have often wondered what the background vocals are saying in "As I Lay Me Down". According to Sophie, the background vocals in the song are saying, "'...ooh la kah koh', which is an indigenous language of the Ballantine tribe. It means, 'wash your feet before you sleep',..." from: http://dex.freehostia.com/l/SophieBHawkins_AsILayMeDown.html
Oh well... someone beat me to the punch!
And yes, definitely pickup the Mike Birbiglia "Joey Bag o Donuts" comedy skit. Birbiglia is so funny!
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