Hey, let's check a little Blogger mail. Because I get that. All the time.
Here's the first one:
"Dear Guy who writes Random Squeegee,
Why haven't you been writing lately? Did you contract some sort of flesh-eating disease that resulted in the loss of both your arms? That seems to be the only reasonable explination for the disturbingly low number of posts recently. I am not a made up person.
Concerned in Hoboken"
Thanks, Concerned! I'm sure you're as real as everyone else that wrote to me. You will be happy to know that my arms and most of my other body parts are completely intact, and as far as writing goes, well, I'm writing at this very moment. So you have nothing to worry about.
Oh, here's one from Convenient Segue, who writes:
"Dear John, I just realised I don't have anything planned for the last weekend of June! How can fill this empty space in my social calander, and by extension, my very soul?"
Well, Convenient, it just so happens that on Friday, June 23, there will be a special showing of the 2005 sci-fi adventure Serenity at the Palace Theater in Albany, NY, a movie that raked in over $25 million at the box office (a whopping seven times the total gross of 1997's Cat's Don't Dance! ) The event was orchestrated by NYPinTA, and will benefit the organization Equality Now. Tickets are available at the Palace Theater website.
But wait, there's more! Some time last year I half-jokingly suggested to Jose, late of Fresh Vs. Stale En Español, that we should invite everyone to Six Flags, New England in Agawam, MA. Well, the little guy took the idea and ran with it. Now he knows more about it than I do, despite it being my idea. Anyway, the 24th will be a day of fun and standing in various lines.
Albany isn't too far away from Agawam, so you could plan to hit both of them like I am. Or, if space cowboys aren't your bag, baby, then you could just go to Six Flags. I'm sure the battered women won't mind. Well, Convenient, I hope this gave you some ideas on how to spend your time. And if I don't see you on this trip, you can at least expect a full report when I get back. You know, at some point.
So that's it for this edition of the Mailbag. If you have any questions, like real ones, drop me an email. If nothing else, it'll give me something to write about.

Sounds to me like Convenient Segue has some soul issues. Perhaps he should pray for a life.
In my mind, Convenient Segue is a lady. A sensual, sexy lady.
Is there a difference between a made-up person and a made man?
Depends on what you do with it/him/her I suppose, mr. schprock.
BTW, now it's the 2005 Nebula Award winning sci-fi adventure "Serenity". Just so everyone knows. :D
Let's just hope Convenient Segue doesn't post a picture and pop your bubble.
So, in other words, no new posts for a wekk or so.
A "wekk" is a week and a half. Really, I looked it up.
Wow... a shameless plug. That's just one step above a product placement. Right after I finish this ice cold Gatorade (the thirst quencher!), I'm gonna go and think about the shame you now have to endure.
That wasn't a shameless plug, that was a convenient segue. I haven't answered Shameless Plug's letter yet.
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