The first thing I saw when I got out of Arlington Station to day was a bomb squad truck. There's a large sphere on the back of the truck thant says "Bangy." I guess it's their bomb-diffusing robot. I don't know if this is the time or place to mention this, but I really like robots. Especially the kind that keep me from exploding. There's about a dozen motorcycle cops lined across the street in front of the Public Garden. And in front of our building, there's a state police K-9 car, a couple of BPD cars, an ambulance, and a caravan of black SUVs with blue lights on the roof. That can't be good.

Most of the black SUVs are gone, and the motorcycle cops just left together a minute ago. There's still some squad cars and the bomb truck, and now there's helicopters everywhere. What the hell is going on?
Ah. One of my bosses just came in. She said she saw Condoleeza Rice outside and they waved to each other. I guess she's staying across the street. That explains that.
Damn it, I never see anybody.
I didn't see any "for sale" signs, which is a shame because those flashing lights could really come in handy in heavy traffic.
On a completely unrelated note, if you ordered a Honey Dijon Chicken Sub, would you expect there to be freaking HAM on it? 'Cause I didn't.
Did you see any people doing anything or just a bunch of cars?
You mean like in Disney/Pixar Animation's summer blockbuster Cars, in theaters June 9? No. Nothing like that.
So nothing blew up? What a letdown. For me, I mean. I suppose you're probably glad the block didn't disintegrate.
Ham & chicken should never go together.
The robot is named Bangey? Poor robot. That's just mean.
Sounds like they gave you a Chicken Cordon Bleu Sandwhich by mistake. What is it with you and never getting the right order? That must be frustrating.
No, apparently that's just how they make it. But they don't tell you on the sign. Bastards. Why don't they call it the Chicken and Ham yada yada whatever I ordered?
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