4 caramel cubes+ 60 seconds in the microwave = a burnt clump of caramel, lots of smoke and everyone yelling at me.

4 caramel cubes+ 60 seconds in the microwave = a burnt clump of caramel, lots of smoke and everyone yelling at me.
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Next you'll say it was in a metal bowl. Way to go, slick.
In all fairness, at least it wasn't a cat + 60 seconds in the microwave. That's a much bigger mess.
No, it was glass. Give me a little credit. I just wanted it to melt a little to put on my ice cream, since the actual caramel topping we have says "Best if used by MAR 1994." So I grabbed a few of those little caramel candy cube things. I guess a minute is a bit too long.
I tried to eat it anyway, but it tasted like pure evil and completely melded with the spoon. That glass dish has seen better days, too.
Maybe next time, (if there is one) you should try the double boil method for the carmel...
Peanut butter melts good in the microwave for an ice cream topping. Just FYI.
Did you actually set the micro on fire?
No actual fire, but plenty of white smoke and a really bad smell.
Peanut butter, huh? Hmm....
Wow. 60 seconds is a long time for sugar. Bet you don't do that again!
My microwave takes longer. I can put a burrito in there for 3 minutes, and it's just warm enough. I think it's because an electrician buddy of mine found it on a job site and "fixed" it. It's been kinda working for about 4 years now. About the time I got this pesky brain tumor.
When you need to melt something in the microwave, always defer to a woman!!
Defer to a woman? Now how am I supposed to come up with the money for that operation?
Well, that's just the first time I mentioned...
If it makes you feel better, I burnt the popcorn in the microwave last night. The damn bag said 4 minutes but it was burnt by the slightly over three minute mark. In my defense, I never eat microwave popcorn. I buy actual popcorn kernels and pop them in a pan on the stove with a little bit of oil...but damn, did the kitchen reek of burnt popcorn.
I learned so many things from this experience. Apparently, sugar burns pretty quick. And, perhaps even more shockingly, microwaves have more than one setting.
Chocolate and caramels should be melted over a boiling pot of water.
And the defer to a woman theory is bullocks. My wife tried to boil an egg in the microwave by putting a raw egg in the microwave for 3 minutes.
Yuck! What a mess!!
Put the "Best if used by MAR 1994" caramel topping in the microwave and see if it works kind of like a time machine. What's the worst that can happen?
I said Monday night.
Sure you did. And so it begins.
Haha! That's what I came here for too.
Sheesh. Writing Monday night would imply that it would be there Tuesday morning. I'm not a magician or time machine...guy.
As it is, I'm actually still at work now, thanks to a certain client. I'm hoping to be home before my dad forgets that I'm not home and locks me out. I hate that.
I'm hoping to be home before my dad forgets that I'm not home and locks me out. I hate that.
So... no one will trust you with your own key?
I have a key, but he turns the outside lights off and I have to try to find the right key and then get in in the door in the dark.
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