All right, webmonkeys. This is the face of poison ivy/oak/sumac/whatever. I don't think it's as bad as Michele was saying, though. Sure, my rugged good looks took a hit, but we're not in Dick Tracy villain territory here.
Why is it that tragic deformities or birth defects always translate into a life of crime, anyway? Remember that chewed-up Cooter figure I had? I always used him as a bad guy, and I never gave it a second thought. But think about it. All the cartoons and comics, toys and movies you've ever seen; there always seems to be one constant. Mangled and gross equals evil. Face left horribly scarred by acid? Become a vicious, maniacal killer. Born with goats where you're arms should be? Mastermind a plot to steal the world's largest opal.
Is that really the message we want to send out to impressionable young minds? "Remember kids, do your homework, eat your vegetables, and if you look different in any way, you will be subjected to years of ridicule, until you inevitibly launch a full-scale attack on the entire planet from your hollowed-out volcano lair."
Maybe Pruneface would have lived a perfectly normal suburban life if he wasn't the perennial victim of verbal abuse. Would it really have been so hard just to call the poor man Larry? Could we as a society be the ones creating these supervillains with our cruel words? Let's hear some testimonials from actual supervillains to find out:
"People like you are the reason I was afraid
to go to school as a child."
- Mystique
"When one of your legs is a pig, people can't help
but say, 'Oh, there's a pig there.' And that hurts."
- The Deadly Bulb
"It was the kids! They called me Mr. Glass!"
- That guy from Unbreakable
So there you go. One the other hand, we could argue that these people could rise above their detractors and do something positive with their misshapen selves. Who's to say that a gamma ray accident that leaves you with an extra arm is a free pass to a supervillainy? Couldn't you just as easily put that third arm to use as a drummer in a rock band, or better yet, a surgeon?

Oh, by the way, I now offer an RSS feed of this site. You can check it out on the sidebar over there. Pretty swank, huh? I have no idea what an RSS feed actually is, but someone asked for it, and I'm nothing if not compliant.
And finally, they say everyone and his brother has a blog these days. Well, now it appears to be true. Yes, Ryan the Wonder Middle Child has a blog. Behold it in all it's splendor.

It was my coworker. He said "Holy D'Artagnan, Batman!" one too many times. And so I became evil blog man something or other. yeah that's it.
Hey! You didn't show the whole picture! ;D
Well, there was nothing wrong with the rest of my face, except that I didn't shave. So I cropped it to the eyes to get more detail.
"hamburger face"
I've been laughing for 3 minutes now.
And all the good (or cool) looking mutants managed to be found by Prof Xavier, while all the ugly ones were saved by Magneto.You might be onto something.
I'm just waiting for someone other than Ryan to get the Pig Leg reference.
If that three-armed mutant really wanted to be nice, he could loan his extra to Def Leppard's drummer.
There you go! Give the poor guy a chance to clap again.
Totally off-topic, but just now, Joe walked in and said "Excellent Smithers," and after a long pause, "all we need now is the Jade Monkey." Jade Monkey was said in a really deep, low voice. The man needs to be studied.
or put down.
Damn. That was mean. Nevermind.
What the hell is wrong with your ears man?
Oh man... I was hoping for "horrible disfigurement" and instead I get "used too much Retin-A". I otta sue JG for a bait and switch.
"It doesn't seem as though it's swayed him towards a life of crime."
erm... he's in politics. A life of crime would be a step in the right direction.
I'm sorry I wasn't disfigured enough for you. next time I'll try to get mauled by a bear.
You're the middle child. And um...full of wonder.
Well... if you'd have looked like KTM's cousin, I can see staying home from work, but puffy eyes? I'd call that lookin' for an excuse.
They're more then just puffy; I couldn't even see. I guess to truly appreciate the situation you would have had to have seen them in their usual, sunken-in, cadaver-like state.
Great post, you crack me up.
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