Saturday, my mom thought it would be fun if we all went over to my grandmother's house and clean up her garden. Hey, who doesn't enjoy pulling up weeds and cutting down overgrown plants in the blistering heat?
I'd love to relive all that family fun time for you, but I can't, because my face is all swollen and I can barely see. Somehow, I managed to get poison...something... all over me. It wasn't posion ivy; there weren't any "leaves of three" in sight. It could have been poison oak or sumac. I don't know what they look like.
Anyway, I've got it all over my arms and around my eyes. My lips look normal, but they feel the same way they do when the dentist shoots novacaine into my gums. My left eye especially is all puffy, and I'm having trouble keeping it open. So I'm going to bed now.

Hehe. Oops, that wasn't supposed to be funny, was it? I feel poisoned when I spend time with my family, too.
:) Princess
That sucks. Post pics.
So sorry about your run-in with the outdoors. *snerk* No really, I feel terrible for you. Actually, I've been there before. I got attacked by killer sumac once, and I was barely able to fight them off with Calamine lotion. It was touch and go there for awhile.
So, do you look like Martin Short in Pure Luck? Wha? I'm trying to be sympathetic here!
I wish i'd taken pictures yesterday, when it was all scaley. Then I could have shown the transition from normal, to scaley, to puffy. Like the old Wolfman movies.
I saw him this morning when he dropped off something at work and then headed straight back home. He kind of has a post-fight "Raging Bull" look going on around the eyes. Either that or he just heard the saddest story in the world, like his cat Fluffy just got run over by a thresher.
He does sort of look like he was in a few rounds with a boxer.
Not to worry though. He's being waited on hand and foot by yours truly. Sponge bath, medicine on his itchy parts, lunch....oh yeah, he's suffering alright *rolls eyes*...
"Not to worry though. He's being waited on hand and foot by yours truly. Sponge bath, medicine on his itchy parts, lunch....oh yeah, he's suffering alright…"
Oh is he ever milking this. What he needs is a little tough love. Make him go finish his Grandma's garden with a radiation suit on. Slacker.
^ and post pics of that too. :D
Michele- For God's sake, why did you write that?! I do have to go back to work eventually. Not to mention my parents' house. Sheesh.
mr. schprock- Don't worry. We finished the garden, and it looks a lot better than I do.
It really doesn't look too bad, it's mostly just red now.
Aw, you're just jealous because you have to sponge yourself.
Radiation suit!
" nypinta--did you want pics of the sponge bath-----or the radiation suit?"
I think I speak for us all when I say... Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww...
Hey JG! How do you expect me to leave rude comments on your new blog if you've disabled the comment section? *shakes head*
"Hey JG! How do you expect me to leave rude comments on your new blog if you've disabled the comment section? *shakes head*"
Yeah, I did that with you in mind LL....see I actually want to post something before I get your rude comments! ;)
Quick update:
John looks even worse. Forget goldfish, he looks like a puffer fish. Don't worry, I took a picture this morning so everyone can gawk. It should be up by tomorrow. ;)
Cool. I knew we could count on you. :P
Here's your opportunity to the remake of the Elephant Man, "I'm not an animal!"
Or Johnny Handsome.
you are funny. very good blog. A+++++and an extra extra +. have good day.
"Don't worry, I took a picture this morning so everyone can gawk. It should be up by tomorrow. ;)"
You're the best girlfriend a guy could ask for.
"Yeah, I did that with you in mind LL....see I actually want to post something before I get your rude comments! ;)"
I'm crushed.
"I'm crushed."
Yeah. Sure you are. ;P
Not to be a spoilsport or anything, but is poison oak/sumac/whathaveyou something that you should see the doctor about when it gets that close to your eyes? Just wondering.
Glad to see that Boston is back to their winning ways. ;-)
I went to the doctor on Tuesday. I'm on steroids now (really!) I guess I won't be playing major league baseball anytime soon. I just hope I don't grow bitch-tits like Meatloaf.
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