Yesterday I got an email from about the Battle of the Blogs. Guess who won? Well, it wasn't me. It was this one. I still get $250, so at least I'm slightly less broke. So I've got that going fo me, which is nice.
Anyway, congratulations to Jolianne Chaffee, and thanks to all the readers from I hope you enjoyed reading my stuff and decide to keep coming back. I got this really nice comment from someone named Nicole a while back:
"This entry has finally compelled me to post a comment. I stumbled upon your site via the Battle of the Blogs and I'm hooked. If you don't win, there is no justice in the world. Anyway- I had to write because oddly enough I knew exactly what 'Scooter my daisy heads' meant when I read it. For some reason I found that commercial to be hysterical- as I do the shiny spoons story. My mother should have married your father, she can't get a story right to save her life."
That was pretty cool. Not only was it a ringing endorsement from my potential sister, but she actually remembered that commercial. So special thanks to Nicole and everyone that wrote to the judges and supported me. Unless you wrote something derogatory about the judges' mothers. Thanks for costing me the contest, jerkwads!
The weekend of the deadline, the Patriot Ledger printed samples of the finalists' blogs. Here's what they ran from mine:
Anyone who rides it with any regularity should know that if they need to be somewhere, they need to leave at least two hours early to account for the inevitable delays, switching problems, out-of-service trains, and other intangibles that make up the T experience. Sometimes I feel like I'm Mario, work is the Princess, and the MBTA is Donkey Kong, hurling barrel after barrel at me to keep me from my destination.
I thought that was sort of a dubious choice, considering the very next line I wrote was "That probably wasn't the best metaphor." I would have went with my slogan for the T, "Why be late for work, when you can be late for work AND smell like three hundred other people?" Oh well, it's not that bad. Although now I've got that damn song in my head again.
So what now? Well, the Bloggies aren't until next year, but I've got a feeling that next year will be the year. I can almost taste the twenty dollars. And it's delicious. In the meantime, there's always Blog Rankings. Earlier this year, I got as far as number nine, before falling to fourteen. I've been at fourteen for months, but I just noticed I'm back up to thirteen now. Woo-hoo! So if you haven't done so already (you can only do it once) head on over there and rank my blog! I'm not actually sure how it works, honestly. The top-ranked blog only has a rating of 6.59 out of 10, so I think they go by number of hits. Or not. Let's see if I can get at least ranked higher than "The Lesbian Lifestyle."

Sorry you didn't win, man. I knew I shouldn't have made that crack about his mother's weight. But c'mon, everyone was thinking it!
$250 ain't bad though. That would pay my car payment and my cable bill. So, how about you just send it to me?
I knew it was you! Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if a certain mustache aficionado told the judges that I put kittens in woodchippers or something.
As for the $250, sorry, but even if I won the thousand, I'd still be about 18 blog contest prizes away from being anywhere near debt-free. Hence the moving back home. At least the situation lends itself to plenty of promising blog entrees.
It was a bag job! I demand a recount! Who was in charge of this? Katherine Harris? It's an outrage I tells ya!
YOU WERE ROBBED!!!! :( *sobs*
It's funny, but as I read the excerpt the judges quoted, I remembered it for it's style and inventiveness, despite your modest, self-effacing comment afterwards. Sorry you didn't win it, but it does rather seem like you did well. So congrats for placing, and keep striving for first.
Thanks, scott. You know, the more I think about it, that was a pretty good metaphor. Lousy public transportation, always chucking barrels at us, laughing smugly all the while. Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!
They didn't rank the also-rans, but I like to think I came in second. And like Buzz Aldrin says, "second comes right after first!"
Fix! Fix!!!
They are just jealous of your bad methaphoring talent! Or something.
Well, this is wierd. The link to her blog isn't working now. I tried both the one in this post and from
Damn g_s, did you have someone take her out already!? That was fast.
Oh and when I said methaphoring I meant, metaphoring (because, yeah that is a word). I didn't mean to imply you are handy with words and doing crystal meth. Sorry.
Huh. It still works for me.
The link, not the meth thing.
"He has the power, he is the fake Prez after all."
Since this contest started, I've been getting a little more than thirty returning visitors a day. That's probably going to make sense to about four of them.
Okay, now I can't get southshoremuse to work, either. Maybe she's updating it or something.
One of these days I really am going to update the haiku and picture pages. Hey! Picture pages! Picture Pages, Picture Pages, Time to get your Picture Pages, Time to get your crayons and your pencils...
"Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if a certain mustache aficionado told the judges that I put kittens in woodchippers or something."
I never said anything of the sort. I might have mentioned that you refused to send PinTA a copy of the Lazy-eye Kitty coloring book, and that you were a heartless bastard, but I see those as your good qualities.
Besides... no one else typed "something profound" in your blog during the contest...
What makes you think you're the mustache aficionado? Guilty conscience, perhaps? Hmm?
Um, you are the mustache aficionado, though.
"car payement AND cable bill? damn. I'm moving to Nebraska."
Well, it's a cheap car. And high cable.
...but it still won't buy you tires...
South Shore Muse is working again.
So I wasn't supposed to insult the judge's mom? Damn. Sorry.
Ok, so maybe my cable's not so high. I pay about $42 and about $200 for my car payment. But I'm cheap. I think cable should be free if they won't even let me choose my channels.
Jose, is that $100 just cable? My bill is like $150, but it's cable (with fake TiVo) internet and phone all combined.
Sup, holmes.
I've read your blog and I think it's the bomb, yo. I hear all the stuff you be saying. You should be checking my shizzle out. It's the illest. Do people still say illest? Damn, son, I still do. I keeps it real, yo.
Sup, holmes.
Are you talking to Oliver Wendell?
South Shore Muse is working again.
And she has emoticons. Not that that makes her blog better then yours... I'm just saying.
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