Alright, take a good look at him.

Bellhorn. The Bell-man. The Bellmiester. I don't know why, but I get more hits from that picture than any other thing on this site. Even more than the Steve Perry picture, and that's saying something. We're talking several searches from all over the world a day, every day. If you do a Google image search for "bellhorn," it's the first image that comes up. I guess my question is, why are so many people looking for pictures of this guy?
It even showed up on an Oakland A's message board yesterday after the Herald reported that the A's are "expected" to sign him after he clears waivers. However, the news today is that he'll be playing with the evil, puppy-eating Yankees. Whatever the case, Deuce Bellhorn's days in Boston are over. And while he may have lost his Sox gig to crazy-good Tony Graffanino, I'm sure he'd be proud to know that he's the most clicked-on image on I think that might even entitle him to some kind of major award.
Speaking of major awards, guess what site the Complimenting Commenter is featuring today?

Had to laugh at your description of the Yankees. "evil, puppy-eating..." *high five* on that sistah-friend, uh, I mean, brother-friend!
kathleen- thanks. I'll just go ahead and ignore the sistah-friend remark (is it because I cry at Tom Hanks movies? I can't help that.)
By the way, as of 10:40 this morning, the belhorn picture has got hits from:
New York, New York
New York, Bronx
New York, New York
Maine, Portland
New York, New York
New York, New York
New York, Bohemia
Massachusetts, Worcester
Massachusetts, Peabody
New York, Middle Village
Florida, Lakeland
jose-I know, but I don't think I'll get to it until Thursday. I'm trying to move all of our stuff out of the appartment today and tomorrow, so by then everything should be settled.
I just wanted to post something quick today.
If by puppy eating you mean sweater muffins, then I bet the answer is "Yes, the Yankees do that".
NYPinTA- Ah, you read my comment on your blog, I see.
I was careful to add that comma after evil. Otherwise, it would have implied that they eat evil puppies, which is, of course, just silly.
There's now been at least 26 searches for "bellhorn" today from as far away as Sweden.
So far only 3 for Steve Perry today.
Well, I'm glad Bellhorn will play baseball again, because he stunk in that European Gigolo movie. Keep the day job.
Nice site. I love your posts! Great Job!
You and Schprock must know something about listing your site, because I did a Google search on mine and can't get it to come up for any reason other than spelling it out exactly. Because he linked me once, I found my site indirectly through his. How do you know that an image is the cause of a hit?
I use StatCounter. It tells you how many hits you get, what pages are the most popular...stuff like that. But it's also constantly asking if I want to increase the size of my log. Um, no thanks, StatCounter. Just leave my log alone.
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