The kitchen floor needed to be replaced. There was no electrical outlet in the bathroom. None of the smoke detectors worked. But none of that matters. The fact is that I still really miss my apartment.
I miss my bedroom. I miss the veiw from living room window. The incredible sunrises over the bay in the morning, and the glowing skyline of Boston at night. One night I was watching the Sox game on TV and they panned to a shot of the Hood blimp hovering over the park. I looked out the window and saw the blimp in the distance. I spent the next several minutes staring out the window at the blimp and saying, "That's the same one that's on the TV!" I guess I'm just easily amused.
We finished moving yesterday, and we are now officially guests at my parents' house. I just don't really feel all that great right now. I feel like a failure. I don't have a home anymore. I have a couch. I know things could be much worse. People in New Orleans lost everything; I just lost a crappy apartment. But it was my crappy apartment.
Dammit. I wanted to write about last Sunday. It was supposed to be upbeat and funny. But I'm not really in an upbeat and funny mood. I'm sorry.

Yeah, that sucks. But think of it this way - once you erase the hideous debt, then you can go back, buy the entire apartment complex, and put outlets in the bathrooms.
My mother and I have discussed my moving back in with her. It's hard for her to make it on her own, and my being broke is a given, so it would be much easier for both of us. But since we can't live within 100 yards of each other without being homicidal, it's better that we don't.
OT, there are no electrical outlets in my bedroom. Very strange, that.
Moving sucks, especially when you don't really want to.
But I agree with jose. You didn't fail at anything. Well, except at being upbeat. :P
Besides, if you hadn't moved we all would have shown up for 'Generic Con 2005' and ended up trashing the place.
Yeah, and I don't think your parents would be too thrilled if we did that now.
Alright, I feel better now. Sorry about that.
If it was just me moving back home, I probably wouldn't even give it a second thought, but with Michele and Brianna it feels like I let everbody down. Especially Brianna. The kid doesn't have a room anymore. That's just not right.
But on the other hand, she loves it at my mom's house. She hasn't complained at all about any of this, she thinks it's great. And even though we're all sort of cramped now, it really is better for her here, because there are other kids her age to play with on my parents' street. Plus there's the huge back and front yards. All we had at the apartment was a strip of grass in the front. Well, there was the beach across the street, but there's a lot of unsavory characters over there.
Anyway, thanks for the pep talk. I know we'll be fine. But just in case, everyone should now that Generic Con 2006 will be held under the Rte. 3 overpass in Weymouth. Entertainment will be provided by Boxcar Louie, who will play a jew's harp and fight with imaginary people. BYOB. (Bring your own beans.)
It's ok, you don't have to be upbeat and funny every day. Just most of them.
I had to stay with my wife's parents when we moved into the Boston area, and it was no picnic. It's hard to live with the rents when you've been calling your own shots for so long. Good luck, but GET OUT!
Kids don't notice things like that nearly as much as adults do. My mother was always bothered by the fact that nothing ever worked in our house (sink, shower, ceiling fan, etc.) and never had new toys, but we didn't care about that stuff. We made forts out of cardboard boxes and were happy.
I actually do know what happened to the disgusting girl page, but you'll have to wait until I finish this post. Sorry it's been a while, I'm still in the process of settling in, plus we had no internet access for a few days.
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