I've been perversely busy at work lately, so I wanted to get to work early today. I got to the platform at 7:05, just as a train was leaving the station. So I waited for five minutes for the next one, which pulled in already completely full. As it sat idle at the station for a few minutes, I noticed a herd of people headed towards the rear of the train. It seems there was one car left inexplicably empty that they graciously decided to open. It was about two-thirds full by the time I got to it, just in time to the doors close in my face.
Some time after 7:30, another train decided to show up. This time, I didn't have any trouble getting on, but it didn't matter, because I should have already been at work at that point. So much for going in early. I actually worked up a sweat, I was so aggrivated. Then I noticed everyone else was sweating to, and realized there was no AC in the train. Well that's just great.
If you've ever been on the highway in or around Boston, you've seen the billboards. Don't drive. Take the T. I think that's better than their original, more truthfull slogan, Why be late for work, when you can be late for work AND smell like 300 other people?
My stop is Park Street, and as I was getting off the train I heard over the loud speakers, "Last stop. This train is coming out of service. We regret any inconvenience this may cause." Hopefully, anyone who had to get off and wait for the next train to get to where they're going was at least able to get an air-conditioned car.
That's all I have time for right now. Please be sure to wish Michele a happy birthday. She's feeling kind of down today and I can't be there with her. I love you, baby! Even more than I hate the T.

Happy Birthday Michelle!
Just to be clear, g_s, you do still like Mr. T, right?
Sure. Unless he now works for the MBTA.
Wow that must be a lot of love coursing through those veins then, cuz I'm sensing a large amount of that other feeling being projected toward the T. That's hate I'm talkin' about, not hunger.
Have a great day, Michelle.
Happy Birthday Michelle! Don't worry. I'm sure John will improve with age. ;)
PS- I've only been on the T twice. Wasn't bad. Better then the subway in NYC, but that isn't saying much.
Funny...I liked the NYC subways better. They at least have those cards you swipe. We've got to deal with tokens, and if you're unfortunate enough to get on and off at Brainree, it costs 2 tokens to get in, and one to get out. $3.75 just for one station.
Of the three subway systems I've ever been on, I'd say Washington DC has the best.
Our public transportation would probably be a donkey. Don't know how many tokens that would be. And I don't think you want to be sliding a card in anywhere.
I don't think any mass transit is good. Around here (NYC) shit breaks down all the time and its a big inconvenience. But you can't drive in the city because there is nowhere to park.
"Happy Birthday Michelle!"
Thanks everyone.:)
Happy birthday Michelle!
"Mass transit."
Just say it out loud. That's all you need to know.
Happy Birthday, Michele, a day late.
(I'm the guy who introduced himself one time when you called John at work. I'm John T., one of the other Johns.)
BTW, the T is a major reason why I ride my bike to work.
"I wonder how the ride into Boston went today?"
Pretty smooth ride today. But remember, there's the ride home to think about, too.
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