Happy tenth day of 2005! Okay, so I'm a little late. But that's going to change. No, really. This year's resolution will be to update the site more often. Like once a week. Or bi-weekly. I'm pretty sure that means twice a week and not once every two weeks. What do you think? Should there be weekly features, like on Tuesdays I complain about stuff, or Wednesday I talk about stuff that happened when I was eight? I don't know. Maybe there should be a mascot, like Professor Phosphorescent or Gasbot.

Anyway, we were at Nick's house yesterday watching Denver forget they were in the playoffs. After that, we decided to watch a movie.
Deciding on a movie should be a relatively stress-free endevor, but with us, deciding on a DVD to watch is like trying to decide which wire to cut on a time bomb. No one ever wants to be the one to pick the movie. And there's always one person that doesn't want to watch whatever is picked. We need a Wheel-O-Movies or something that we can just spin and whatever the Wheel says, goes.
Last night's movie was picked because my friends were shocked-SHOCKED!-to discover that I'd never seen it. Apparently, I'm the only person on Earth who hasn't. So last night, we watched Footloose.
I'd spend the past twenty-plus years completely devoid of any desire to watch Kevin Bacon dance around. I only found out a few months ago on one of those VH-1 shows that it was about a town where dancing is against the law. And now that I've seen it, I guess I finally feel like I've really lived.
I also have a few questions. First off, did Kenny Loggins do anything but write movie themes? Footloose, Top Gun, Caddyshack...was that his whole career? What ever happened to that guy anyway? When I was in college, there was this kid Duane that didn't know what kind of music I listened to, so he tried to insult me by saying "You probably like Kenny Loggins." Except sometimes he said Kenny G, and sometimes it was Kenny Rogers. I don't think he realized they're three different people. That's pretty funny.
Second, what the hell happened to Chris Penn?!! He was skinny in this movie. Now he's a big fat guy. I think the earliest movie I saw him in was Reservoir Dogs. Seeing Nice Guy Eddie all skinny and prancing around is reason enough alone to watch this movie.
I never knew that "I Need a Hero" song came from this movie. It always reminded me Short Circuit 2 when Johnny Five fixes himself at Radio Shack and goes after Oscar for betraying him. I guess when the rest of the world hears that song, they think of two guys on tractors playing chicken. I think it fits better with the angry robot, though. Somewhere out there, I'm sure there's a song that really says two guys on tractors playing chicken. Rain on the Scarecrow, maybe. Or Sweet Home Alabama.
We went back and watched a few scenes with Kevin Bacon commentary. That was great. For the afore mentioned tractor chicken, he said "Oh no, I hope I don't get my foot stuck to the pedal." Later when he's dancing, he says "Now, this wasn't me" and it cuts to a closeup shot of his face, and he says "Well, that's me, but this next part isn't." Good stuff; I'll have to watch the whole thing with commentary at some point.
The best part of the movie was when the guy with antlers mounted on the roof of his truck throws a brick through the uncle's window. "Burn in Hell? This brick says 'Burn in Hell'!" That and Chris Penn('s stunt double) doing flips in a field. Maybe next week we'll watch another eighties movie I've never seen.
The brick said "Burn in hell"
Oh yeah. That's even funnier!
Please tell me you have at least seen 'The Breakfast Club'?
I don't know what is funnier, that they made you watch the movie, or that it is actually out on DVD.
Yeah, I've seen that. But Michele's never seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off. That's just crazy.
Not only is it out on DVD but its a SPecial Edition DVD. and what kind of person hasnt seen Ferris Bueller?
I have the Breakfast Club on DVD; and Sixteen Candles and Wierd Science. I pretty sure it was marketed to me at the time I bought it, quite successfully I might interject, as the Anthony Michael Hall Trilogy.
On a related note, I once challeneged a man to a fight because he wouldn't concede that the female lead in Footloose was in fact a young Gina Davis. As it turns out, it was not Gina Davis, but the Beastmaster's sister - Lori Singer. Go figure.
That kid Al that used to live next door to me is Anthony Michael Hall's cousin. At least he said he was, and why would anyone pretend to be Anthony Michael Hall's cousin?
That ugly blond kid that used to play on Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman was a cousin to kids I went to school with. They always denied it though. Maybe they wouldn't have if it had been Anthony Michael Hall.
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