One of these days, I'm going to get a decent digital camera, but unless a sack of money falls out of the sky, I won't be getting one anytime soon. Until then, the good people at CVS are there for all my picture-developing needs. I just got some film developed the other day. So here for your enjoyment, I present Christmas...again...for the first time.

Okay, so this is the view from my new office, overlooking Newbury Street. We finally moved there in mid-December. I share an office with another guy, but we have the biggest office and it has the best view. Joe has his own office around the corner.

Here is a Christmas tree in Downtown Crossing, above Filene's. Across the street is the famed animated window display at Macy's. They do a different theme every year. Last year that had the Muppets. This year it was A Christmas Story. They had windows depicting all the classic scenes in the movie, from Flick getting his tongue stuck to the flagpole to the Bumpass' dogs eating the Christmas turkey.

This was Brianna's first Christmas in Massachusetts. We got her a stocking and bought a tree. This was also my first time buying a tree, as well as doing a whole bunch of other stuff that I'd grown accustomed to my parent's doing. I think I did a pretty good job. Didn't burn the apartment down or anything.

For the past few years, my family has gone over to my cousin Andrea's house on Christmas Eve for holdiay cheer and also Chinese food. It's good for Brianna, because my cousins' kids are around her age. Granted, she's the only girl, except for youngest, Sofia.

Here's my brother Glenn, with that "I'm going to kill you for taking my picture" look in his eyes. That's nothing, buddy. I put it online, too! Bwa-hahahaha! And finally, the hottest toy of the year, Rockin' Vampire Ernie. Comes with his own blood-soaked rubber ducky!
Okay, so that's not a real toy. It was just something I did to try to keep half a dozen little kids entertained. It worked for a few seconds, but they seemed to be a lot more entertained by jumping all over me. It was like a contest to see who could do the most damage to my spinal coard. I don't have any pictures of that, but I'll leave you with these pictures from back in November when Brianna went out in the snow for the first time ever.

I'd prefer a blood-soaked Bert doll to the ducky. I like the ducky. I hate Bert, that freaky-haired jackass.
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