My mom emailed me at work yesterday about my last post. She asked if my life was really that bad in high school. It wasn't, really. I can look back now and see it's just part of growing up. I liked a girl, she didn't like me. It happens. But aside from the silly repressed feelings and self-destructive unrequited love business, life was pretty good.
As for the poems, Memories and But I Do were the only "serious" ones I did. I intentionally mixed them in with the rest, which were infused with my own dark humor, (at least that was the idea) to sort of throw people off track of what was really going on in my head.
But just to ease my mom's mind, here's one more from that time frame that's not about love lost or death. Well, actually it is about death, but it's not all depressing and stuff. I can't remember if the accompanying doodle was the inspiration for the poem, or if it came afterwards.
Anyway, here it is. This is a, uh, Brazilian ass-shaker right here. Can I say that? Right on.
The River Styx
While going to the river Styx,
I got into a nasty fix.
For I was completely unaware
That I had to pay Charon's fare.
He patiently waited for a token;
Still and silent--not a word was spoken.
He then put out his bony hand
But I still did not understand.
It is now to my great lament
That he did not get his payment.
He had many more souls to deliver
So he left me there, by the river.
Then I got it through my head
That all this time I've been dead.
Now I'm in a nasty fix --
I'm stranded on the river Styx.

Ahh, well isn't that just warm and fuzzy. I'm sure that'll ease her mind immediately.
Great rhyming though. And you didn't even use the word Nantucket.
Oh, and I just noticed the bone necklace. Nice.
Hey Fella,
Just getting around to reading about the girl and your thoughts. You know alot of people have at one time or another gone thru something simlar. None of us perfect. Sometimes being perfect is only in another person eyes. What I've found out is sometimes the best looking and greatest body a guy is - has usually shown he was empty inside and shallow. There use to be a saying if I can remember it. Looks aren't forever - whether it be beauty or great body. Sooner or later things begin to fall - aging happens and the body does it's own thing. The beauty from within is never ever really lost or fades. It is inside that really counts. So my friend don't ever let anyone make you feel like a freak. Sometimes people are jealous of another and that sounded like this dude with you. You have personality and talent. You are truly blessed in many ways and I'm sure loved. Now that doesn't help when a teenager feels odd. The truth is alot of teenager's go thru this and that's why they join clubs or get on sports. Sometimes that may help make them feel accepted but not whole inside. So See my friend you are normal just like everyone of us. Don't ever feel bad about life's journey's. Embrace the good with the bad and that's what makes us better. Gee you even do poems. Keep broadening your Horizons Kido - You are not a loser
Thanks, I get that now, but back in high school I was helpless. At least I got some pretty good stories out of it.
One of the best things you can do as an aspiring writer is to draw from classical mythology. It's really weird where this stuff turns up. That's a cool poem though - with or without the illustration.
That pic reminds me of Death on Family Guy. It seems a lot cheerier when the Grim Reaper has the voice of Norm McDonald.
That pic is also on my old 3 ring binder as well....
Are you sure I didn't give that binder back to you?
No I have the binder, it is the composition notebook that was inside that is missing....
Ah, well. See, I told you I didn't have it.
I think Glenn has your notebook, along with ALL MY OTHER STUFF. Freakin' kid.
Hey Hey - That's what siblings are for. Some time Some where - He will be there for you. Trust me
SO GET IT BACK.....before I send the leg breakers...
"Hey Hey - That's what siblings are for. Some time Some where - He will be there for you. Trust me"
How do I know you aren't Glenn?
"You are not a loser"
I don't suppose that applies to me...
That's a pretty damn good drawing. If that's a doodle, then you should doodle more often. Well... that and start to publish the lazy eye kitty coloring book series. You're sitting on a gold mine there.
That reminds me, I updated the Drawings page. Yes. Really.
I also finally found that Joey Bag O Donuts letter from the Improper Bostonian and tacked it on to the end of whatever post that was, for anyone interested.
And a coloring book about some guy getting eaten by an acid dropping tiger. I want that one.
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