Until I met Michele I never drank much tea. I liked the little cups they give you at the fancier Chinese food restaraunts, but that was about it. I wasn't really aware that tea came in all kinds of ridiculous flavors, and now I've been drinking it more and more. Which is a good thing, because I like coffee, but I can't drink it very often or I end up spending all night rushing in and out of the bathroom. I swear, it's like the Friday the 13th movies; the first one is genuinely scary, followed by a seemingly endless line of progressively sloppy sequels.
Tuesday night I put the water on to make a cup. I asked if anybody else wanted anything, but no one did, so I got out a mug, put the teabag in, and poured the hot water into it. I can tell right now that you're absolutely enthralled by my exposition of the tea-making process. The final touch was three giant spoonfulls of sugar. after I'd dumped the sugar in, I put the spoon in my mouth to taste the sugary goodness. But it didn't taste like sugary goodness. It tasted like what I'd imagine used kitty litter would taste like.
I'd like to take a moment now, if I could, to point out that, although we may all have our differences, there is one constant that exsists throughout all the peoples of the world. And that constant is, whenever someone puts something God-awful in their mouth, they immediately track down someone else and make them try it. "Oh, this is gross! Here, have some."
I grabbed the sugar bowl and brought it over to my mom for her to try it. I got pretty much the result I expected. Michele refused to try it at first, but I got her to break down and taste it. It was salty, but it still tasted a bit like sugar.
For some time now there's been at least one mouse running around the house vertually undetected, pooping all over the place and leaving nibble marks on doorframes and any article of clothing unfortunate enough to be left on the ground. In the back of my mind, I was thinking that I had just consumed sugar laced with mouse pee.
Fortunately, it was nothing that dramatic. No, when my dad came home, my mom asked him if he had filled the sugar bowl. He said that he had, and she then asked him where he got the sugar to fill it.
"From the tupperware container with the blue top in the cabinet."
That container was salt. He poured salt in with the sugar, which I then poured into my tea. It tasted like the ocean.
And the best part? He used it in his drink that morning right after he'd filled the bowl and didn't even notice! I guess that's not really the best part, but I was sort of building up to this big climax and that's all that happened. The best part was probably my initial gagging and going around trying to get everybody to taste the potentially mouse-tainted sugar.
I've got a new update up in the Drawings section. You'll check it out if you know what's good for you.

Hey, we both blogged about food. Pretty creepy...
The same thing is true about things that smell awful. People suddenly love to share.
No thanks.
i love how you put that your tea tasted like the ocean... like the ocean at Wollaston Beach? EWWWW!
I am SO glad it wasn't mouse-pee tea. I almost quit reading when you entered the mouse into the story.
Do you think your dad would have noticed the flavor if it HAD been mouse-pee in the sugar?
How do you know that the mouse didn't pee in the salt? I'm just sayin'... At least, there wasn't weevils in it. That's pretty much the ultimate gross-out factor for me.
When I was little, I used to only drink water out of a short clear glass. One day, my mom filled one of those glasses with vinegar for her spinach. It was clear, my head was plugged up, and I took a big ole swig. I nearly choked to death. I don't think she did it accidentally. Has anyone ever died as the result of vinegar consumption?
I remember digging into a box of cereal at my cousins' house in Florida and finding weevils. Did I bite into them? My memory tells me no, but I could just be trying to block it out. Wouldn't you?
George Orwell--George freakin' Orwell--says you shouldn't put sugar in your tea. So you got what you deserved.
What did he say about salt?
I think he supported Gandhi's 1930 march to protest the salt tax in 1930.
whats a weevil? is that a boston/east coast thing?
I think they're more in the south, but I thought they were everywhere. They're little bugs. The ones in the cereal were actually weevil LARVA, which is extra-gross. They looked like slugs with one big eye. Part of this complete breakfast!
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