You there, pathetic whelps! You may not know it yet, but you are staring into the menacing eyes of your future...what? Amazo was already here? Well, that's just PERFECT. He's always doing this to me. So I guess you already know that I am in fact the Amazing Greato, sworn nemisis of the Great Amazo. But what you probably don't know is that we're brothers.
Technically, my entire race are brothers. We don't reproduce the way you do. If someone thinks there should be another one of us, they just will it so. And if someone thinks there are too many of us, they just will one of us to die. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've been dead, but I can tell you each and every time was the result of the Great Amazo. I don't know why he doesn't just give up; I always get willed back to life anyway. One of the perks of living in a society of omnipotent beings.
But it's not all great in The First Dimension. When everyone is all-powerful, things can get a little heady. For example, we tried to play a simple game of baseball one time. Being omnipotent, there was absolutely no way that the pitcher would throw anything but a strike. However, since the batter was also omnipotent, there was absolutely no way he would not knock the ball out of the park. The ensuing paradox caused the entire east quadrant to collapse into itself. It wasn't pretty. And the poor guy who had to write the questions for our never-aired quiz show? Sucked into nothingness before he could even write the first question, since it would have been impossible for him to succeed at coming up with a question that no one could answer, yet equally impossible for him to fail.
But your dimension, which our cartographers consider The Second Dimension, consists of trillions of universes, which themselves each hold trillions of galaxies, and not one omnipotent being to be found. I guess that's why we like to come here. Our feats sound much more impressive to people who could work their whole lives without ever accomplishing them themselves. Also, I am enthralled with your "Denny's." This place is a delight.
Alright, so back to business. Oh yeah, and I apologize for the whole "whelps" thing. It's just a formality. An archaic holdover from the days when the only way we could communicate with the Lessers was to insight fear into their hearts. We all do it, I hate it, but what can you do, you know? Anyway, I'll make a deal with you. You don't have to cower in fear at me or anything like that. There's literally billions of trillions of galaxies that already do that. All I ask is that you just not listen to this Amazo character. Seriously, the man has issues. I'd say he wasn't hugged enough as a child, but since none of us were hugged, or ever children, for that matter, well...he's just got some things to work out. But I'm sure he'll be fine. And don't worry about him imploding you; he's all talk, that one. And even if he does, I can always reverse it. I've got your back. Okay, so if Amazo comes back with any of his empty threats, just smile and nod, and send him on his way. You'll be fine.
So, huh. See you around, I guess. Again, Denny's...just marvelous. Okay, bye now.
What's that? He called me a dick? Son of a bitch. Oh, it's on now.
Greato, you're OK and everything, but Amazo buys us donuts. What do you do?
Boy. This is just what I needed on a Monday morning! :D
You two ain't right. Do omnipotent beings understand the concept of incest or is that just lesser being fun? Cuz this jealousy and competition seems to stem from a desire for more "love" from a father figure or something. Just sayin'...
Being giant asexual floating heads sort of takes bumping uglies, be it for fun or procration, out of the picture. But I do see your point. Amazo does seem to have an unusual disire for acceptance. I have no such desires. However, I do wish our dimension had the Grand Slam. I guess I'm a bit jealous of you guys for that.
Being envied by omnipotent beings is pretty cool.
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