When lasers aren't choreographed to the music of Pink Floyd, they're busy performing an ever-growing number of tasks. From LASIK corrective eye surgery to assisting symposia keynote speakers point to charts, it seems there's nothing lasers can't do. What other invention of this or any generation can be credited with aiding in the printing of homemade greeting cards, as well as being the primary weapon used to fight the evil forces of Cobra's dreaded Crimson Guard? I don't see Gore-Tex™ making any such claims.
For some time now, I've seen ads for laser hair removal. But yesterday I saw an ad that confused and frightened me. It was for laser hair restoration.
What the...? How can lasers get rid of hair and make it grow?! That goes against everything I know and stand for. It disrupts and kicks sand in the face of all that I hold dear. How does something perform two contradictory tasks? It's like saying keys can open doors, but also lock them. Oh, wait. Well, there goes my whole argument.
It still seems weird though. Maybe different colored lasers do different things. Like, red lasers remove hair and green lasers grow it back. And blue lasers blow up the ocean.
Lasers giveth, lasers taketh away.

You so silly.....;P
I was trying to think of a good example of something that would sound silly doing two things, like a toaster that could revert toast to bread (Why didn't I think of that before?), but I accidently thought of a key and it voided my whole point. Crap.
Hey, check out the little icons at the bottom of the posts! I'll bet they're for if you missed anything when I went on a recent posting spree. You might even say I went...POSTal. Ha ha ha ha. Seriously, don't say that. I'll lose all respect for you.
Nifty new icons you got there. It's almost like you post regularly or something.
Thanks, I made them with lasers.
Maybe the lasers are actually holding onto the hairs they remove from someone else and restoring them on you. Your head can now sport the back hairs taken from a celebrity... or that fat, sweaty guy down the street.
Tee-hee. Blue Lasers blow up the ocean.
Does lead count as an invention?
Interesting, cold laser to stimulate hair growth, hot laser to kill hair follicles. Perhaps you could undergo both techniques and report back to us.
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