Hey, do me a favor, would you? See that black bar above the date? Click on "Pictures" for a second and then come back. I'll just wait here.
Whoa, the screen turned all pukey green and the page was all but empty, right? That's the problem I've been trying to fix for a while now. See, I've got all this other stuff I want to put up here, but first I want to get all the pages to follow the same template. And that's a bit trickier than I thought it would be.
Basically, I want to have several categories running across the top of the page, and when you click on them, they'll take you to a page similar to this one, only with haikus or photos, or whatever ridiculous crap I decide that the world needs to see. Not that this template is anything special, I'm kind of sick of it, actually, but I want all my pages to be uniform, so if I do change it, the change reflects throughout the site. But, for reasons that escape my remedial HTML knowledge, I can't get it to work the way I want to.
The easiest way to do it would be to simply take one of those pages, like the TV haikus page, for example, and repost it as a blog entry. I do want people to be able to leave comments, but I don't want a date at the top of the page, and I don't want it to appear in the archive. So that's no good. I tried building those pages using this template, only without the date code, and it looked okay, except the comments didn't work and the Archives on the side of the page were replaced by the Blogger Archives code. There's got to be a way to do this, right?
In internet lore, I've heard tell of mysterious creatures called "lurkers." These "lurkers" frequent message boards, blogs, and other internet communities on a regular basis, but rarely, if ever, actively participate in the lively and often hilarious conversations that these sites tend to generate. Now, I don't know if these stories are to be believed. But if there are "lurkers" out there, or even people who stumbled in here from Google because I wrote the word "penis" yesterday, I'm hoping one of you could help me with this. Because Lord knows the regulars can't (love you guys anyway). All I want is for all the pages to have the same look and for people to be able to leave comments on the other pages.
Your reward will be a much wider variety of medicore content updated at infrequent intervals. You're welcome.

Oh sure, I come over to help and then you insult us regulars. Well you can forget about my assistance now! I knew the solution to your problem instantly, but ooh boy, too late now! Guess I'll go back to playing Shape Shifters.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything by it. Regulars are great. My favorite flavor is vanilla.
I was going to be offended by the regulars comment, but the truth is that I really don't have a clue...
I recommend recalibrating the warp core.
(rolls eyes)
Let me guess: you don't know how to do that.
John, I suggest that you polish up a highly technical videographical abstract that touches upon applications heretofore underutilized augering enhanced ease of operation and commercial profitability.
(I don't know. It's something I got from Schprock.)
In your html and css you're still using the hex codes for the green colors found on the picture page rather than the greys and blue you have on your home page.
Change #677B00 to #000066 and change #C2CA99 to #FFFFFF and change #abc to #000abc. That should clear everything up, I can look at it again after you make those changes.
"In your html and css you're still using the hex codes for the green colors found on the picture page rather than the greys and blue you have on your home page.
"Change #677B00 to #000066 and change #C2CA99 to #FFFFFF and change #abc to #000abc. That should clear everything up, I can look at it again after you make those changes."
Don't listen to her. Recalibrate the warp core. We need more power!
Hi janey! I know how to change the colors (I built those pages, as well as this one, in Dreamweaver) it's just that I want those pages to have comments on them and an archive of the blog entries on the side. So I guess I want to use some of the Blogger code on the other pages, but not ALL of the Blogger code. Does that make any sense?
Actually Mr. Schprock is close, you need to replace the dilithium crystals. That always worked for Scotty.
Nuts! I almost had it. I used Blogger to create a page, then moved the page out of the folder Blogger created for it on my server and everything worked. But it was still showing up in the archives, so I deleted it from my Blogger dashboard where it lets me manage posts. After I did that, it still looked okay, but the comments were no longer available.
So I think what I need is a third-party commenting tool. Maybe it's as simple as that. Anyone know any good ones? The only one I even know of is HaloScan, but I don't know how well it works.
I'll get this right yet!
"Actually Mr. Schprock is close, you need to replace the dilithium crystals. That always worked for Scotty."
Silly me. Here I was typing < span class > this and < $BlogMetaData$ > that, when all I really needed was some new dilithium crystals. I don't know where my head is today. Thanks, Scott!
Haloscan works well. At least if it's good enough for Jeff Kay, it should be good enough for you.
You regular-disdaining fiend.
And that comment had nothing to do with constipation.
Maybe it's your flux capacitator.
And that has nothing to do with constipation too.
Ah. The flux capacitor. Why did I ever think that the regulars wouldn't be able to help? :P
Man, John, I wanderered around here for 10 minutes or so looking for something named 'pictures' to click, but I couldn't find anything. Maybe that's you're problem right there.
The photo link looks good, though.
Oh yeah, I just split up the vague category of "pictures" into "drawings" and "photos"
As ridiculous as it sounds, my temporary solution is to have four different blogs that all link to each other.
I really don't know what to add except that you should make sure that you don't accidentally remove your tong and abenonds while you're fiddling around...
Did any of that stuff I sent you work?
" Did any of that stuff I sent you work?"
I looked at a lot of sites, but it seemed that my problem was Blogger-centric. But thanks for sending them. I got some tips I might use later.
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