For reasons even I'm not aware of, I have a Myspace account. A new report shows that MySpace now has 2-1/2 times the traffic of Google.
I believe it. Glenn, aka "tits on a bull," spends every waking moment on Myspace. Kids these days; I don't know.
Why is Myspace so popular? Personally, I don't really like the way it's set up. I keep accidentally deleting comments, because my gut reaction to seeing a little blue link next to a comment is to click it to reply. Except that's not how Myspace works. The little blue link, which at first I didn't even take the time to read, says "delete this message." If you actually do want to reply, you have to go leave a comment on their page. So basically, you'd just keep going back and forth, with only half the conversation on each page. Lame. Of course, you could just send private messages, but then what the hell is the point of the comments?
Maybe the draw is simply the sheer number of people that have accounts. It's pretty cool to find people that, up until that point, you were pretty sure were dead or in prison. The "Holy crap! I remember you!" factor is pretty high. So I check back every now and then to party like it's 1997.
As with every new fad, Myspace is not without it's creeps and scam artists. Just this morning I got an email from Myspace informing me that I had a new message. So I clicked the link and found something that somehow seemed familiar...
Subject: My best girlfriend asked me to message you, weirddd i know but cool
Body: yea this girl who has been my best friend since ive been young hits me up. She says she sees this profile of someone that reminds her of her first crush. I dunno Im not the one who should be filling you in Ill let her.
I will let you know that she is cool as hell and gets pretty crazy at times in a fun way. to be honest i used to have a crush on her myself but its too weird now. she said she was shy or something to be the first one to initiate talk but she even posted a blog about ya or something
anyways seems like you are all she is talking about and interested in so check her out and add her up as a friend. something might work out who knows yea
That's the second time I've got this message, but the first time was from someone else. In both cases the sender has no profile picture and a nearly empty home page. The first one presumably came from a guy in West Virgina, and the second from a female in Ohio, which makes the bit about having "a crush on her myself" a little more interesting.
What's the deal with this? I mean, what's the point? And why do they send everyone the same message? I didn't click on the link, so I can only imagine what happens if you do. Does it empty your bank account? Does it take you to one of those porn sites with 8,000 pop-ups that never go away? People are idiots.
Anyway, I had my handler/endentured manservant Bentworth Farnsley write up a reply to the crazy broad that apparently knows two anonymous people in Ohio and West Virginia:
Subject: Re: My best girlfriend asked me to message you, weirddd i know but cool
Body: Dear crazy person,
Salutations, and thank you for expressing interest in my collegue. Unfortunately, at this time he is otherwise preoccupied with his duties as both a devoted boyfriend and father (Although it should be noted, not to the same person. That would be peculiar, to say the least) This information was clearly posted on his profile page, so one can only assume it was somehow overlooked by your eagle-eyed compatriots.
Alas, it is a shame you could not have met under different circumstances, as I can attest that he, too, is cool as hell and is known to get pretty crazy at times. In a fun way, of course. To be honest, I used to harbor a bit of apologies. The mind wanders.
Although my collegue cannot accept your invitiation, I assure you that he wishes you the best of luck in the future. And if all else fails, I have it on good authority that you have surrounded yourself with smitten friends suffering from unrequited adoration. My advice, go to them. Go to them before it is too late.
Bentworth Farnsley
I hope that cleared things up.

You have a My Space account!My Space is the devil!
Really though, it's just another one of those places online where any psycho in the world can get hold of you. Some of my friends were using it - you know, just like hotmail, and AIM, and gmail...
Not me, thanks!
I got a warning about MySpace from my son's gradeschool principal, that kids everywhere have accounts there, and that their personal information can be read by everyone, including sane people.
Gee. I wouldn't know anything about porn sites with the 8,000 pop-ups that won't go away, or the ones that fool you into thinking you're getting a free membership and then you're suddenly getting 568 e-mails...PER HOUR!
Nope. Never heard of those....
If you go to now, it takes you to a Nintendo-owned site about the Legend of Zelda series. If you went there about seven years ago looking for tips on beating Ocarina of time, well you could get tips on beating something, but it had nothing to do with video games...
Your reply is damn funny.
I signed up for a MySpace account, but never used it. I think I did so just to give one of the guys I work with a hassle after he got an account... which is also why I have a blog...
Kinda sad how easy I get sucked into these things.
The weird thing is, I went back to my inbox to reply, and the message was gone. The first one did the same thing. This one was from someone calling themselve's MADELAINE. I don't remember who the first one was.
I'm just hoping I get another one. I'd hate to think I created a profile for Bentworth Farnsley for nothing.
"I will let you know that she is cool as hell and gets pretty crazy at times in a fun way. to be honest i used to have a crush on her myself but its too weird now. she said she was shy or something to be the first one to initiate talk but she even posted a blog about ya or something"
HOLY CRAP!!! Henry sent it to you!!! And the mysterious girl? PINTA!!!
No, no, no. It says crazy in a fun way.
Riiiiiight... I missed that the first time I read it. Good catch.
I got the same message myself. Could I perhaps have Bentworth coem up with a response for me as well? I concur though Myspace is the devil. It is all Jose's fault I even went there to begin with.
I have always argued that "tits on a bull" would be a very useful thing. If anything happened to the mother, Daddy Bull could step in and feed Baby Bull.
So Glenn's OK with me.
"No, no, no. It says crazy in a fun way."
*Ahem* Where I am in NY is not that far from where you are in MASS. Don't make me ask Michele's permission to kick your butt.
"*Ahem* Where I am in NY is not that far from where you are in MASS. Don't make me ask Michele's permission to kick your butt."
Go for it. The boy needs a good butt kickin'....;P
It's like a three hour drive. Is it really worth it?
A good butt kickin' is always worth a long distance drive.
MySpace isn't my bag, baby. Too many freaks and geeks. Plus, they ask too much personal information. Sure, I tell more than I need to on my blog, but it's not just out there for anyone to glean on the first glance. They have to be a DEDICATED pyschopath and actually read my blog, and I'd have to give them points for that.
I'm nothing if not dedicated.
It's still cool to see what some people from high school are up to though, since I'd go hunting with Dick Cheney before I went to a high school reunion.
I'll have to thank the Vice President for giving me something to replace "I'd go skiing with Sonny Bono..." It was really time to put that one to pasture.
I've always been fond of saying, "I'd rather ride with Ted Kennedy than..." I think it has a nice ring to it.
And I wouldn't be caught dead at a class reunion, but I don't really care what most of them are up to anyway.
"It's like a three hour drive. Is it really worth it? " It's two and a half hours the way I drive and yes. It would be worth it.
Well then how come you never visit? Just because we don't have a house...
I'd say make the drive. 3 hours is nothing, and think of the pleasure once you got there. Just take a tape recorder or video camera so we can hear him scream.
Is it just me, or are MySpace pages the ugliest pages on the Internet?
Yes. Yes they are. Except for mine.
Mine rules. Better than yours John. Plus my song is offensive so that is fun too.
John, you dont have a cool skin though.
Exactly. So you can read all the type.
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