Friday, February 11, 2005

It Looks More Like Aztek to Me

Some people just need to be beat with a trout. People who think the word "mine" has two syllables, for example. People like a certain co-worker of mine, who also like to pronounce kindergarten as "kindy-garden". He treats the English language like it's Robin Givens and he's Mike Tyson. Conversations with Joe quickly turn into an Abbott and Costello routine.

"Is this yours or mi-yan?"

It's mine.

"Oh, okay. Here you go."

No, it's not mine. It's yours.

"But you just said it wasn't mi-yan."

It's MINE, you freaking clod!

"Then take it."

No, it's yours.

"So it is mi-yan?"



fakies said...

The old broad I work with says "Eye-talian" and "Hawiya" and "Sahviet Union". I wanna break her hip every time I hear it.

NYPinTA said...
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NYPinTA said...

Nuke You Ler... that is so wrong.

The girls in the office I work in say things wrong all the time. That doesn't bother me so much... it's just that it is constant.
Right now, they are all reliving the days they gave birth to elephants. At least you would think, by the horror they are describing that they gave birth to elephants. Large elephants.
Please stop talking!!!
Damn, this is a quote, "then I saw that big needle, and they stuck it in her ass"... and later, "I had to massage her uterus." Oh god.

mr. schprock said...

mobile: moh-BYAL (technically OK but stupid sounding)
ancillary: an-SIL-a-ree
wreak havoc: wreck hah-VOCK
sconce: skonch
supposedly: suh-POSE-ah-blee
moot: mewt
beer: BEE-yah

Just a few I've heard.

Anonymous said...

Ohhh, I hate bad language pronounciation. If English is your first language, speak it correctly!

Some that annoy me:

per-scription, not pre-scription

foil-age, not foli-age

punkin for pumpkin

real-a-tor for realtor

ex-peed-ee-ate for ex-ped-ite

axe instead of ask

People who pronounce 'the' "thee" instead of "thuh" and 'a' "ayy" instead of "uh".

I could go on all day. Don't get me started.

Anonymous said...

How about if you exaggerate the pronounciation and say, it's not my-Ann, it's your-Aze.

You never know, he might suspect that there's something up with his pronouciation.

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