The headline on my internet browser is "Arafat's Condition Deteriorates Rapidly." Well, an hour ago it said he was dead, so I'd say his condition is improving. Unless he's so dead that he's actually starting to decompose, like when that guy drank from the wrong grail. He chose...poorly.

Now it says he's dead again.
Hold on,'s back to deteriorating.
Geez, what's going on over there? All I can picture is a bunch of people huddled over this guy's bed, and he keeps sitting up, then falling back down. Then they start to walk away and he sits back up again. "Rrrrr! Must...kill...Jews!" Then drops dead again. Like Jason or Freddy.
Speaking of things that have nothing to do with that, I've been listening to this group the Secret Machines ever since I simultaneously discovered them and that I had MTV2. They're from Texas, but they started in New York and they sound like Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, even Radiohead. Good stuff.
Okay, now he's dead. Sad.
Maybe he was only mostly dead. Hmm...
Any chance in the hallway of the hospital as they were trying to decide if he was dead or not, there was a woman beating a cat against a post?
'I'm not dead yet!'
He's dead, Jim.
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