Gee whiz, it's Wuvums, the adorable, marketable rodent thing! Wuvums! Shouldn't he be emblazoned on t-shirts and other cash-flow generating materials? Isn't it an injustice that he isn't? He's so damn cute! His big doe eyes are crying out, "Please slap me on a canary yellow onesy. With feet!"

Like last year, I made Valentine's Day cards for Brianna. This time, they feature Wuvums, and more horrible puns. The pirate one says "Arrgh...you gonna be my Valentine?" That's probably my favorite.
I guess if I had any forethought, I could have drawn them weeks or even months ago and try to sell them in time for Valentine's Day. There's always next year, right?
"I guess if I had any forethought, I could have drawn them weeks or even months ago and try to sell them in time for Valentine's Day. There's always next year, right?"
FAMOUS LAST WORDS! I've been telling you to cash in on your cartoon characters for years now!
You will probably say the same thing next year as well
CafePress store? Wuvums (or whatever) all year round!
I have a cafepress store. Or, I will. But I don't have anything in it yet.
Probably for the best...
You'd undoubtedly just waste the tens of dollars it would generate you on something like rent...
Are you sure that Wuvums doesn't have any relation to TesticuLarry? Because in a couple of those pics...
I personally like those pics
I love thos pics.
Hmmm. Careful. The Wuvums look a little too much to me like these guys
Oooo... two spammers within seconds of each other saying they love the rats. You really should market these things. Why... you've already got the tanning lotion crowd sewn up!
I think I got food poisoning over the weekend, but as soon as I can stop throwing up and crapping I'm totally ready to sells some t-shirts.
Well, it's no "Mark as Spam," but I think the Wuvums have a certain Benedictine charm...
Of course, any time I try anything that adorable on Stephanie, she threatens to make me watch while she bites into my still-beating heart...
You know... a little afterbirth nog will clear that right up...
Wow... that's one helluva stomach flu...
It really was. I got better. then some other stuff happened. But then I got a nifty tablet and stylus thing. It's pretty cool.
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