Friday, January 27, 2006

Welcome! Now Go Away!

Today is Ryan's birthday. I planned on devoting this space to a particular Ryan story today, much like I did with my aunt Bunny and my dad on their birthdays, but it seems he beat me to it. He's been doing that to me all week, that one. Anyway, visit his blog and wish him a happy birthday.

And don't forget to check in on Michele, the shimmering beacon in my otherwise dimly-lit existence. She's bound to have a new post up soon, right?

I've also heard rumors that some other guy has a blog, but that's probably just an urban legend.


NYPinTA said...

Pretty clever doing a blog post about other blogs, thereby not really doing a post, but getting credit for it.

John said...

Well, I wanted to write about the priest that sounds like Whinnie the Pooh that likes to say Ryan stole his birthday, but I checked his blog last night and he had it covered already.

I suppose I could have written about the parakeets that he got for his birthday one year, but that's already in the stack of two-dozen or so half-finished entries I have sitting in "Draft" mode. Maybe I'll dust it off and post it sometime.

fakies said...

Isn't in convenient how he diverts our attention to other blogs? Skillful, yet so cliche.

It is rather freaky how you and other brother keep referencing the same events. You aren't sharing one brain, are you?

Shatterfist said...

"You aren't sharing one brain, are you?"

Sometimes I think so.

Seriously though, you must have something to write about. There are many untold Glenn stories, and Brianna says crazy things all the time. Quick, use them before Michele does!

John said...

"Quick, use them before Michele does!"
I don't think I have to worry about that.

Let's see...I could have written about the dog locking my dad out of the car the other day. Oh wait, I just did. You can't really add much more to that, but reading it a second time actually makes it funnier.

Michele said...

"Quick, use them before Michele does!"

He doesn't know them all!;)

LL said...

Purely an urban legend. I wouldn't even attempt to look there.

John said...

" Purely an urban legend. I wouldn't even attempt to look there"

That sort of reminds me of a book, perhaps the greatest book of all time. And none of it was embelished!

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