All the news outlets are reporting that California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (that still sounds so weird) has denied clemency for Stanley "Tookie" Williams, founding member of the infamous Crips gang. He is scheduled to die Tuesday morning.
This story has been making headlines for the past few weeks, especially after Kenneth Lee Boyd become the 1,000th person to be executed in the United States. He died of a leathal injection, but reports say he did live long enough to see the confetti and balloons with "1000!" printed on them drop from the ceiling.
According to an AP report, prosecutors and victims' advocates say Williams is undeserving of clemency because he never owned up to his crimes and refused to inform on fellow gang members. As co-founder of the Crips, he is in essence responsible for hundreds of deaths since 1971.
On the other hand, many people look to Williams' 20 years in prison, where he wrote a cautionary memoir and children's books warinig of the dangers of gangs. They had hoped Schwarzenegger would commuted Williams'death sentence to life in prison without parole.
But regardless of your stance on this case, or the death penalty in general, I think we can all agree that "Tookie" is a completely stupid nickname. And no one, no matter what ills they did in life, deserves to have "Tookie" etched into their headstone. And so, I'm offering this last minute plea: please give Tookie a new nickname before he dies. I would have gone with, wait for it....
The Cripskeeper.

If he gets electrocuted, we could call him Cookie.
Tookie just isn't menacing enough. He could be Tookie Monster.
If they let him have one last conjugal visit before the needle, they could call him Nookie.
Y'all betta watch what you say about the Crips, yo. Or we be coming after yo punk ass. Crips 4 Life!
I'm justa kidding, itsa me again, Mario! Boy, I hadda you fooled!
For a minute there, I thought the Cripskeeper was an Arnie film. Then I realised it was actually Sly. Imagine how silly I felt.
Everyone should get to see confetti and ballons drop just before they die. Can we make that a law or something?
"Y'all betta watch what you say about the Crips, yo. Or we be coming after yo punk ass."
For a minute there, I thought it was the Homie Goblin!
In addition to balloons and confetti, they should syphon some of the juice from the electric chair to power a huge,commemorative neon sign. But if they want to go all-out,they should use everything: the chair, lethal injection, the gas chamber. Hopefully, they won't cancel each other out and make him into a supervillain - look what happened in Ernest.
And now a Haiku:
A promise was made
to update this everyday
g_s lied to us
I check here daily
and I find a clip show post
g_s lied to us
g_s has become
just like another blogger
the New York PinTA
That last one was a low blow, LL.
Wha? :innocent:
LL sure can talk
Since he doesn't have a blog
for idiocy
Hate to admit it
but LL may be correct
Truth evades g_s
He procrastinates
then fills in post for past days
Sneaky one, that guy!
I don't need a blog
I read yours about New Girl
that's idiocy
Nothing new from John
Might as well write some random
squeegee-like haiku
Ehrm... not a haiku, but perhaps back on topic?
If the now-deceased Crips founder comes back in the after-life..."Spookie?"
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