Remember back in the late ninties when NBC aired reruns all summer, but tried to pawn them off as new, because "if you haven't seen them, they're new to you"? Man, that was lame. Who did they think they were kidding?
Hey, remember when the fate of the world depended on going back to the year 2004? Or when I watched Catwoman? And who could forget when that guy on the train asked the woman next to him if she wanted to see his toes? Oooh...or how about that time I did something remarkably similar to what I'm doing right now?
Yeah, those were the days.

Do you remember that time in band camp...
If you don't watch out, someone's gonna call the Blog Police on you.
What? There's bound to be some people who haven't read some of the older ones. Who are we to rob them of that chance?
I want my money back.
I get the distinct feeling I've been here before.
Deja vu all over again...
I hadn't read them before... ;-)
I remember "that time" - it was just a few weeks ago!
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