This may come as a shock to those of you who check back here for updates every day, but I'd have to say that my biggest weakness is procrastination. Why put off until tomorrow what you can do next week? That's my motto. Actually, I was going to write about this earlier, but, know.
Procrastination is my Kryptonite™. Actually, I've never been anywhere near Kryptonite. Maybe Kryptonite is my Kryptonite. I mean, it looks extremely radioactive, like it could give you cancer or something. But excluding actual Kryptonite, I'd say that procrastination is my Kryptonite.
Case in point: any number of the purchases I've made over the years based at least to some degree on the considerable savings I'd get from the mail-in-rebate. It always starts the same, "Wow, with the rebate, this is practically free!" My cell phone had a rebate of nearly 75%. But the problem with rebates is you have to mail them in. I don't think I've ever followed through and mailed in a rebate in my entire life. I did try once, but by the time I sent it out, the offer had expired. It's just too much effort. You've got to get the receipt, make copies of it if you bought more than one thing with a rebate offer, cut out the UPC code, find a stamp...why don't they just give the rebate at the store? If you ask me, it's a conspiracy controlled by the U.S. Postal Service.
I've had that ridiculous headset sitting at my house for a couple of weeks now, and if I don't send it back within thirty days, I'm stuck with a $300 bill. The time for procrastination has come and gone. This thing needs to go. I've carted it to and from work a few times, thinking I could mail it during lunch or take care of it over the weekend, but something always seems to get in the way and it ends up sitting back at my desk. I finally found some time Tuesday afternoon and I was determined to get rid of it once and for all.
I tucked it under my arm and set out for the Post Office. After waiting in line for a few minutes, I went up to the counter and argued my case. I told the guy that I a telemarketer sent me a package that I didn't want and that I wanted to return it without paying for shipping. He said that as long as it wasn't opened, I wouldn't have to pay. But...he couldn't accept it because it was sent to me through Airborne Express and that's how it had to be sent back. I asked him if he knew where an Airborne Express location was, but he didn't know. There was a Mailboxes Etc. near our old office, so I headed there. I stepped out of the Post Office and, as if on cue, it started to rain.
If I had another Kryptonite, like the red kind, it would probably be my navigational skills. I once got lost walking home from the train station, something I'd done several times before. But this time, I thought I'd take a shortcut. So instead of my usual route, which takes about 40 minutes, I hopelessly wandered around for four hours. Much of that time was spent going in the opposite direction. I probably could have walked to Boston in four hours, so it's kind of sad when you realize I pretty much stayed within the same few blocks of Braintree and Weymouth. I finally got to a pay phone and had my dad pick me up at Caswell's Seafood, which is only a few minutes from my house, but I just couldn't walk anymore.
Armed with this information, you can probably see what coming next. I left the Post Office and walked down to where I thought Mailboxes Etc. was. Before I left the office, John T. told me where it was, just in case I ended up having to go there. So I went over to the corner where he said I would find it, but it wasn't there. I don't know what it is about that place, but I could never remember where it was, even though it was relatively close to our old office. I thought maybe he had the wrong intersection, so I combed three blocks in each direction, but to no avail. The rain collecting on my glasses wasn't helping the cause, either. After about twenty minutes, I called the office and asked John T. where it was again. He said it had been a few years since he'd been there, so it might have closed, but it was at the corner of Appleton and Columbus Ave. So I went back to where those two streets meet, and I'll be damned if I wasn't staring right at Mailboxes Etc. I swear to God it wasn't there the first time.
Or, to be more accurate, I wasn't there the first time. I was at the corner of Appleton and Clarendon, four blocks away from where I started.
Just thankful to have found the place, I went inside and propped the infernal package on the countertop.
"Do you take Airborne Express packages? I'm trying to get rid of this thing."
"Um...DHL? Generally, no. But you can call them and have them arrange a pick-up."
"I just...I got this thing from a telemarketer and I don't want the damn thing and I'm not going to pay to send it back."
"They should be able to take care of that for you if you call the 800 number."
Feeling somewhat defeated, I put the package back under my arm and trudged back to the office. At least now I knew how to get rid of it once and for all.
Back at the office, I typed "Airborne Express" into Google and came up with the DHL homepage. I found their 800 number and gave them a call. It wouldn't be long now. After a few minutes of Musak peppered with reminders that my call is important to them, I was greeted by a very nice young woman who listened to my story and, after a brief meeting with her supervisor, said they would pick up the package and return it without billing me. She asked for the location of the pick-up and final destination and told me someone would be over before five. At last! The Hello Direct saga was over!
So why is there another paragraph? Well, you know at the end of horror movies, after the killer gets shot, stabbed, impaled, beheaded and drowned several times over and everyone is calm for a few seconds, then BAM! He inexplicably springs back to life? I came home Wednesday night to find a present waiting for me...

Unbelievable. It came back the very next day, like The Cat in the Hat. What is it going to take to rid myself of this monstrosity? Even now it sits on my desk, mocking me. I put in another call to DHL, and wrote "Return to Sender" in huge black Sharpie. With any luck, this time it'll be gone for good.
Fantasy Football Update: Week 10
The Dingleberries are clinging on to first place at 7-2-1.

I laughed when I got home and saw it on the doorstep. See what happens when you just don't say NO and hang up the friggin' phone!?
I've learned to never, never open a package anyone sends you that you don't want. They screw you with the shipping (said in my best Leo Getz voice). You know what else you should never do? Leave the house without a compass and GPS.
I'm thinking you should have one of this chips implanted under your skin so friends and family can find you where ever you end up. Kinda like what people do with their pets.
Forget about Mailboxes Etc. Remember the time you were going to meet us at the Pizzeria Uno in Kenmore Square and you wound up orbiting Fenway Park for an hour and a half?
And Michele's right: Step one, say no. Step two, hang up the phone (even reverse order will work).
See, this is where some Forget-Me-Now would come in handy.
I also walked the lenghth of Boston a few times over back in college, in search of this theater that I was supposed to meet the rest of my class in. It was called the Circlarium or the Roundatorium or something like that.
Face it, that box is your Marley's Chains - from all your procrastination guilt.
But on the bright side, you don't have to pay for it twice...
You know this is all Joes fault... lol
It's been a few days, I think it's really gone this time.
I can't prove that it's connected to the package, but I've come down with something over the past two days. I think I have the typhoid. Or the cholera!
thats probably joes fault as well
My dad tells telemarketers to stick it in their ear. It's rude, but it gets his point across.
Oh my gosh, unbelievable!
I just came over here to see if you had a now post and there was a Pop Up ad!
That's weird. It wasn't for hands-free phone headsets, was it?
I'll have a new some point.
I just got one when I opened the page (not to see if I had a new post though, that would just be silly)
What in heck is going on?
Someone is trying to ride your coat tails. Which isn't fair, since I called dibs a long time ago.
"Which isn't fair, since I called dibs a long time ago."
I actually remember that. You weren't the first person to say it, but you were the first to get it in writing.
And that is the most important thing for a jury.
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