The fine folks at the Comedy Research Institute have dedicated their lives to the scientific pursuit of a higher understanding of comedy. Some have even given their lives to this pursuit (see "the great custard pie massacre of 1932") Others merely die on the inside, toiling away in CRI's vast archives, in search of answers to comedy's most Sphynx-like riddles: "Why is a raven like a writing desk?" "What is the average person's threshold for knock-knock jokes?" and, of course, "Is Andy Dick punishment from God?"
Today, CRI "Laughologists" ask you to kindly participate in the poll below, scientifically designed to extrapolate the "lifespan" of topical humor. The results of the poll will be printed in the December issue of Comedy Research Institute's Published Essays & Stories. For a copy of CRIPES, please ask for it by name at your local newsstand, where you will be openly mocked and called a silly person for asking for a made-up publication.
One more point of interest: In it's vigourous search of the internet, CRI has discovered other instances of the name "Comedy Research Institute" on the world wide web and have therefore decided to rename their organization the University of Finding Out Why Things Are Funny. This change will take effect in the next issue of UFOWTAFPES.

I can't believe you can get that many coherent thoughts together at work (in those conditions) and write something right before you are supposed to go home! HAHA - Mike
It all boils down to a little something called "time management," my friend. By the end of the day, I had enough time to either write something new or return that stupid headset. Wait. Aw dammit.
This is Greg at Hello Direct. I havn't heard from you in some time...Wait until you hear the great new offer I have for you. For just $399.99...All I need is your credit card information.
I was on a work/study program in the mailroom of the Comedy Research Institute. They fired me when I accidently slipped on a banana peel and squirted seltzer all over President Guffaw and Dean Snort. It was pure hijinks and mayhem as I led them on a merry chase. Pictures of what happened in the Buster Keaton Pavilion are still all over the Internet.
The nerve of you, referring to Dean Cochayne as "Dean Snort." He's been off the stuff for years! Really now!
Oh, yeah, that's right — everyone assumed things about him because of his name. Just like my old biology teacher, Mr. I Smoke Pot All The Time Look At Me I'm Smoking It Right Now Puff Puff Harrington III.
Can't I just get a subscription to CRIPES instead?
I wish I had a catchphrase.
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