I got the results from those ultrasounds from the other day. The doctor said while she is confident that I do in fact have Marfan Syndrome, both scans showed my aorta to be perfectly healthy. I'm going to have to go back once a year so they can keep an eye on it, but she reassured me that if and when the aortic tissue expands too much, I'd just need to take pills to regulate it as opposed to surgery. I can deal with that.
So as far as dropping dead goes, I think I'm in the clear. but I've still got joint and tissue deterioration to worry about. She suggested Tai Chi, which is supposed to help me avoid things like my thumb or even my whole wrist trying to escape. Conversely, yoga is one of the worst things I could do. I really don't need to be stretched out any more than I already am.

Next up is an eye exam, to see if I have a dislocated lens. She said if I start seeing silvery flashes in front of my eyes, go to the nearest eye treatment facility right away, because it could mean that I have a detached retina. Actually, I don't even know if detached retinas and dislocated lenses are the same thing or two separate conditions. I could easily look them up, but there is sure to be accompanying pictures and I want no part of that.
And here I thought it was going to be good news... :P
Well... Sounds like you need to learn to tie the single windsor if you're gonna be needing that Tie-chi thing...
Glad your heart is fine.
Must have video of you doing tai chi.
Maybe you're supposed to get all muscle bound so you limbs can't fall off.... or something.
I'm not going to make any promises, but what the hell, if I do end up doing tai chi, I'll make a video. I used to be kind of shy around videos on account of me looking all goofy, but now that I know I've got a legitimate deformity with a name and everything, I don't mind as much.
Also, my word verification was "stomp" They're just not trying anymore.
While you're doing that tai-chi, pause and have a cup of chai-tea.
And I know what you mean about Blogger not trying any more; my word verification is econscil. Damn layabouts.
I do like chai tea.
The doctor said while she is confident that I do in fact have Marfan Syndrome, both...
She? Why would you let a nurse diagnose you? I understand that there are some female doctors, but most are on Gray's Anatomy. Was it one of them?
I would get a second (male) opinion if I were you. There's a good chance you just have a cold, or the clap or something. This sounds exactly like something that a woman would over-think.
"Silvery flashes" in front of your eyes? I guarantee she's fucking with you. What happens if the flashes are gold or blue? You should eventually make it to an optometrist?
There's nothing that penicillin won't get rid of. I would try that first.
Most of my doctors are lady-doctors. I kind of like it that way, you know, because sometimes my mind wonders and if I should accidentally become aroused while I'm getting my danglies checked or something, it's slightly less awkward than if a male doctor had been doing it.
"...and if I should accidentally become aroused while I'm getting my danglies checked or something, it's slightly less awkward than if a male doctor had been doing it."
So you get awkward erections during medical checkups frequently enough to warrant a rule of using female doctors so as not to add "questioning my sexuality" to the litany of other psychological issues you're clearly dealing with?
I never thought of that g_s...
It's more of a precautionary measure. It hasn't been field-tested or anything.
I was going to mention how that picture freaked me right out, but then I got distracted by the comments.
Word verification: brinehog. Another term that would have applied to the wonky-eyed beast.
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