Back when I lived in Quincy, I was accosted in my sleep by a grim specter of evil. Or, like millions of Americans, I suffer from sleep apnea. It all depends on your willingness to believe that there are some things in life that just can't be explained away. As for me, I feel content thinking that it was just isolated sleep paralysis, although it is a bit strange that while it happened several times in that apartment, it hasn't happened before or since. Only happened there. Granted, I've made it a point not to sleep on my back since then, (it only happened while I was on my back) I usually move around so much in my sleep that I'm never in the same position when I wake up than when I went to sleep.
I'm curious about stuff like that; ghosts and the unexplained and stuff. Not too curious, because I'm also a tremendous chicken, but curious enough to check online every once and a while and see what kind of experiences people have had. Searching for ghost pictures can be fun, in spite of, or perhaps because of, the fact that most of them are either blatantly fake or are nothing more than specks of dust on the lens or overexposed film. But every once in a while, there's a genuinely creepy one. That doesn't mean it's real, but it doesn't make it any less creepy.
I found a site, quite a few, actually, that were purported to have ghost pictures only to find countless photos of "orbs," (the energy transferred from a source to the spirit so they can manifest, according to You mean lens flares? What a let down.
I figured I could rummage through some old photos and find a ton of these so-called "orbs" and...didn't find anything. Not until a few years ago, when I went out with my friends for a "random picture day" (the day we found that creepy hut in the woods.) After we left Bare Cove, we took some pictures at the beach and then a graveyard. In the graveyard, I took this picture:

I'll be damned. Orbs! Two of them. Now I'm not saying they're ghosts, far from it, but I wasn't able to get any of these stupid orbs to show up on any other pictures aside from the one from the cemetery. Weird.
This post reminds me of a lot of things, but I'll keep this brief. (You're welcome.)
1) Watch Ghost Hunters. It's hilarious and explains creepy balls well.
2) There was an article out last year that the number of ghost sitings have gone down as cell phone use increases. They weren't sure if it was psychological- that people didn't feel as removed from civilization with a cell phone and were then less likely to see something ghostly, or if the frequencies used in cell towers make it impossible for ghosts to manifest.
I could say more, but why?
Cell phones give ghosts cancer. Everyone nows that.
*sigh* My comment should read "ghost sightings" not "ghost sitings"!
I'm sure ghosts have to sit sometime...
I was looking for my haunted orbs . . . thanks dude!
Ben O.
Should have never let them go out by themselves.
The old lady I work with has been concerned about orbs lately too. So she's scheduled a mammogram for next week.
You know what's scary? Internet stalkers. I don't want to sound cocky, but I might even have a couple maybe. And have I got a deal for them! I'm selling a couple of old Tick T-shirts on ebay! They should place their bids on them right now! Finally, you can own something that I've actually worn, and will probably still smell like me, too! Whee!
I'd be more impressed if someone had a picture or two of an orc.
Hi! I'm not a regular, but heard if I want to find out about Mr. Schprock to check with you. So, that's what I'm doing. Any idea when or if he's coming back to the blogging world? Please, let him know I've been looking for him and that I miss him. I'd appreciate it mucho much!
I was looking at your auction. Did you mean to repeat everything?
I made a mistake that I was trying to correct, so I added just a sentence, but when it showed the preview, it looked like it was going to replace the old description with the new sentence, so I copied and pasted the old description into the additional comments box and added the new line to it. So when it was reposted, it both the old and the new descriptions. Did that make any sense at all? Basically, it's just really hard to change something on ebay once you put it up.
Beth, he said he'd start writing agian, but he didn't say when. Work's been especially frustrating lately.
A little something for your scary balls.
I don't know if this has any clue to your ghost balls/orbs, but its definitely worth a look.
So she's scheduled a mammogram for next week.
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Well that was new.
Must have a ghost in the machine!
a perv ghost
Oh, man, the gauntlet has been thrown down. A new post from Stellar, and nothing from you? I think he's callin' ya out.
speaking of new....
I don't want to know how to pick up Girls easy, I want to know how to pick up easy girls!
OK, John, how much longer do we have to look at your scary balls? ;)
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