It's on it's way. Really. In the meantime, here's a picture of an evil dummy bound and gagged and hanging from the ceiling of a backwards E.T.-wallpaper-covered closet. Discuss.

It's on it's way. Really. In the meantime, here's a picture of an evil dummy bound and gagged and hanging from the ceiling of a backwards E.T.-wallpaper-covered closet. Discuss.
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My only question is this: did he start out as an evil dummy, or did he just end up that way after the S&M torture? You know, kinda like the evil monkey?
That's your only question?
Not Why? Or, why the gag? Or why the combover?
I'm starting to wonder about you KTM...
The wallpaper is what freaks me out the most.
But don't you know, fermi? That matches g_s's pajamas. Michelle, am I right?
I hope not...
Actually, the dummy is possessed by an evil ventriloquist. Or it wasn't actually the ventriloquist but actually some sort of demon. I don't know. Maybe he made the wallpaper read backwards using evil dummy magic. Or maybe they just accidentally reversed the film. Or maybe it's "irregular" wallpaper they got from the discount store. My money's on evil dummy magic.
my money is on the scary little girl with pink eye medicine oozing from her pupils... but i could be all wrong.
So, where do you suppose they got that rope from? It looks too nice to be from Wal-Mart. K-Mart, too. Maybe Sears? It's possible that it's from a specialty store of some sort, you know, the kind that caters to abductors and evil henchmen...or maybe it's from Bondage-R-Us.
It's from Ace Hardware.
Hey, what ever happened to the review you were supposed to write about this movie - a year ago! Did you ever do it?
Well... at least you use your time wisely. Saving the world from evil dummies and all. Kudos.
Does Maz know you've been taking pictures in his closet again?
i feel like i am waiting for the Christmas morning...chances are, it will get here faster than your next post:)
Maybe his New Year's resolution will be to post more often.
We willhave to wait til next year to find out. ;o)
Hey John,
Does this mean the return of the coyote clutching the umbrella???
Mike psg
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