This had been bothering me forever: who are Huey, Dewey and Louie's parents? They always seem to be with their uncle Donald, or uncle Scrooge, who is actually Donald's uncle and their great-uncle. But if Donald is their uncle, then he must have a brother or sister, right? And for that matter, if Scrooge is Donald's uncle, who is Donald's father? And where did all these parents go, anyway? I seem to remember even Mickey had two nephews. How did Disney get this family-friendly image when nearly all of their characters' parents are either seemingly non-existent or die horribly?
I don't want to get off track, but I have to mention that friggin' song is on again. I wish Sugarland was a Disney character's parents.
Anyway, I've always thought it was weird that everyone was an "uncle" and wondered if Duckburg was populated by genetic test subjects who reproduce asexually (which would explain why so many characters walk around pantsless yet lack any visible genitalia) by growing spores on their backs like Gremlins. The truth may be too disturbing to reveal, so the elder Ducks tell the younger ones they were just left on the doorstep one night by shiftless relatives. Oops. I think I just spoiled the ending of M. Night Shyamalan's Duck Tales.
But thanks to the internet, now we know that Huey, Dewey and Louie do, in fact, at least have a mother! Check out Carl Banks' Duck Family Tree.
So now we know that Scrooge is Donald's maternal uncle. Donald's mother's name is Hortense Duck (née McDuck) and his father is Quackmore Duck. He also has a cousin named Gladstone, who was orphaned when his parents overate at a free-lunch picnic. Which leads to the obvious conclusion that Donald is part goldfish.
He has a twin sister named Della Thelma Duck, who is Huey, Dewey and Louie's mother. Finally! Well that's a load off my mind. Curiously, no father is mentioned. Could they have possibly been immaculately conceived from medichlorians? Well, according to wikipedia, there is an unnamed father, but he was sent to the hospital after the little hellspawn stuck a firecracker under his chair, which is how they fell into Donald's care in the first place.
So there you go. Mystery solved. Although none of this explains Mickey's nephews. Or why Goofy wears clothes and walk on his hind legs, but Pluto is a naked mute who drinks from the toilet. Actually, Goofy breaks all the Disney archetypes. Donald doesn't wear pants, Mickey walks around shirtless like he's Matthew McConaughey, but Goofy wears pants and a shirt. And, unlike his sterile and/or sexually repressed friends, Goofy actually has his own kid. Which means Goofy had sex. Sloppy, goofy sex.
But since it's Disney, there's no mother. She probably fell off a cliff got caught in a bear trap or something.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I Can Finally Sleep at Night!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
My favorite lunchbox as a kid was a metal bus with all the Disney characters in it and Huey, Dewey, and Louie were in the back window. I think I saw the very same lunchbox of Antiques Roadshow and it was worth a bundle. Dammit.
Now if you can only figure out all of those other cartoon mysteries, you'll really be able to sleep soundly...
Great. Now I won't be able to sleep, worrying about all your mental illness.
Are you sure it's not because you'll be thinking of Goofy playing some Marvin Gaye and fumbling around with KY jelly? "Gorsh, this stuff sure is slippery! A-hyuck!"
Crap, now that's all I'll be thinking about.
Old joke:
Mickey Mouse is meeting with his divorce attorney. The attorney says, "Now let me get this straight. You want to divorce Minnie Mouse on the grounds of insanity."
Mickey says, "No, not insanity! Adultery!"
"But," the attorney said, "I thought you told me she was crazy."
"I didn't say she was crazy," Mickey replied. "I said she was fucking Goofy."
Bada bing! Good night, ladies and gentlemen!
Hmm, well if that were true, then they should have killed her off and introduced a couple of guy ducks as the potential father. It'd be My Two Dads meets My Three Sons.
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