They can't take it anymore. I fear that soon they're just gonna start bleeding, then shrivel up and fall off. And I can't wait.
I've been watching a lot of Nickeldeon since Michele's daughter moved up here, and every five seconds there's a commercial for "Kidz Bop 6." Yup, a bunch of kids singing pop songs, while playing sports and other activities in front of backdrops of some of America's landmarks; even an alternate reality where Mt. Rushmore sports the head of some little black kid not unlike Webster with shiny, shiny teeth.
Then the announcer says "The Kidz Bop Kids are back with their best Kidz Bop CD ever!" And then those freakin' kids start singing something else. Then, even as the threat of five more of these looms over your head, an easily excited girl in a green soccer uniform faces the camera and says "Kidz Bop scores every time!" If they had Academy Awards for commericals, she should probably be beaten with one for an hour or so.
And what exactly are these little cherubs singing, anyway? Well, here's the track listing of "kid safe" songs...
01 With You
02 This Love
03 Come Clean
04 Are You Gonna Be My Girl
05 The Reason
06 You Don't Know My Name
07 Toxic
08 My Immortal
09 Me, Myself, & I
10 Hold
11 The First Cut Is The Deepest
12 I Miss You
13 Burn
14 Meant To Live
15 I'm Still In Love With You
16 Beautiful (Dance Remix)
17 All Star (Dance Remix)
18 Sk8ter Boi (Dance Remix)
Toxic?!! Why? Why do these things exsist? And why are they already on volume six? I guess it doesn't matter, soon my ears will take their own lives and I'll have sweet relief.
Monday, July 26, 2004
My Ears Are Sad
Monday, July 26, 2004
1 comment
Update: There is now a KIDZ BOP 7!!! Sweet Jesus. Well, at least the commercial for this one isn't annoying. But that last one...shudder.
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