This may look like Lamb Chop, but it's actually a Webkinz llama. Webkinz are stuffed toys that come with a unique code that allows you to interact with a virtual version of the toy online, because kids today have no imagination. The plush animals are manufactured in China. Do you know what this means?
That's right, China is mass-producing dolly llamas.
Classic g_s... classic.
I wonder how many people knew where I was going with this. You, know, if there were still people around. Come back, n518978914.I'm posting again. For realz.
Finally, a product I can believe in. I must consume and worship.
Kudos, and a polite golf clap on coming up with "Dolly Llama", John!
La Bomba? You're still alive? Damn... just look what happens when you start to post g_s... you bring people back from the dead!
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