Tuesday, March 02, 2010

A Brief Conversation

For Lent, Michele is eating nothing but some kind of seaweed soup thing, so I went to my mom's house for dinner on Friday.

MOM: I think I'm going to go to the gym Saturday morning.

ME: What gym do you go to?

MOM: Planet Fitness.

ME: Oh, you know who lives right next door?

Mom: No, who?

ME: Jim Nabors.

See, it's funny, because...well, I'll let my brother explain.

GLENN: It works on two levels.

BRIANNA: I don't get it.

MOM: They are gym neighbors, like Jim Nabors? You know "Well Gaw-aw-aw-lly!"

GLENN: Wait, what?

MOM: You don't know who Jim Nabors is? Gomer Pyle?


ME: Hold on, then why were you laughing?

GLENN: I thought you just made up a name for the joke.


fermicat said...

We were talking about Jim Nabors at lunch the other day at work. Couldn't remember if he was dead or not. He's not. In case anyone was wondering.

LL said...

If you came up with that one off the top of your head... I'm impressed. If you'd thought of that years earlier and kept it in your back pocket for just such an occasion... I'm extremely impressed.

If it were me... I'd have given up Catholicism for lent.

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