I suppose I should have written this yesterday, since it happened yesterday, and because of this, I got to go home early yesterday. Sure, the power came back on right about the same time I got home, but it worked out for the best because I was still able to get my projects done on the laptop, plus I didn't have to wear pants.
But let's go back to the beginning of the day. Actually, let's go back a year or two, when I broke the zipper on my jacket. It just snapped off when I was pulling it up one day. The zipper itself still worked fine; it just didn't have the part you pull on anymore. Which, incidentally, is called the puller. You don't really need the puller, though. At first I tried to replace it with a bent paperclip, but it was way too pointy at the end, so I wrapped some masking tap around it. That didn't really help at all and looked incredibly stupid, so I just gave up trying to replace the puller and started grabbing the slider between my thumb and index finger and pulling it up and down that way. The skin on my thumb would occasionally get stuck in the zipper, but otherwise it's worked perfectly all this time.
Then on Saturday the slider got stuck midway up the zipper and wouldn't come undone. I could pull it all the way up to the top, but it wouldn't go any further down than that midway point.
Rather than trying to fix it, I switched to my winter coat. It's getting colder anyway. Okay, we can go back to Monday morning again. I put my winter coat on, walked with Brianna and Michele to the car, and bent down to but my laptop bag in the back seat. Just then I felt something land on my head. I immediately reached up to swat it away. It was long and wriggly.
"Ah!! There's something on my head! I think it's a snake!"
"A snake?"
"Yeah. Maybe it fell out of a tree."
Well, a snake could've fallen out of the tree. It's cold out. Maybe he slithered up there, hung out on a branch, but then it got too cold for him and he fell out and died on my head. Stranger things have happened. But it turns out it was just the drawstring on my coat. It flipped onto my head when I bent over.
Stupid drawstrings. I hate those things. And these ones have metal aglets at that end and they always swing around when I walk and smack me in the teeth.
So um, that's what I've been up to. Oh, on Friday, clean-cut Spare Change Guy was at Park Street station and asked me if I had any matches. I did not.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Get It Off Me! Get It Off Me!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
I imagine snakes are a tremendous problem in your neck of the woods in November. I don't know how you have survived as long as you have...
Did you give spare change guy some change at least so he could buy some matches?
Tree snakes. They are a menace.
I didn't give spare change guy any spare change. So I guess he's just Guy, really.
You just brought all those people who fantasize about smacking you in the teeth that much closer to orgasm.
And sometimes imaginary snakes are more ooky and dangerous than real ones.
On another note, it's too freaking early to be playing that damn oo oo oo oo oo oo song!!!
Tell me more about this spare change guy. I think I may know him.
I think you forgot a few details, like me telling you that you were a dingbat for thinking that snakes fall from trees in New England in November. As I recall, it took me a few minutes to convince you...as completely freaked out as you were.
I wasn't freaked out. I realized fairly quickly that it was just the string. But we did argue at length as to whether a snake would still be out in November. And if a snake was out in November, would it be in a tree. I say it's plausible. The snake could have lost a ton of money in stocks, and had gone up the tree to die. Twist itself up in a knot and hang itself.
The middle photo of "Spare Change Guy" laughing!! I can't stop laughing.....
I have absolutely no idea what to say to this post.
Spare some change?
BTW, I can't believe you only have 4 votes! What's up with that?
So that thing's really called a "puller," huh? Well, I'll be.
Tintin, the Belgian boy detective, likes to say, "Great snakes!" when something surprising happens. Keep that in mind for next time.
Hey, I nominated and voted for him. So, all you slackers, VOTE :)
Happy Thanksgiving,John.
My sister did that once at a rest stop, only she thought it was a spider that landed on her. It was like watching that Riverdance guy in the middle of an epileptic fit.
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