I've always really liked where I live. We have a large backyard and lots of woods. There's a path in the woods that leads to a river and waterfall. It's only a few feet high, but...do you have a waterfall? Didn't think so.
Anyway, there's a path that leads to my grandmother's house and for the past two weekends, I've been cleaning up the path and making it look nice after years of neglect and several storms left it looking creepy and foreboding.
My brother Glenn and I also cleaned up the hill leading up to my grandmother's house (you can either go up the hill or through the woods...or just use the driveway like normal people.) My neighbor's house used to be a mill and the guy that lived there many years ago used the hill to dump his trash. For as long as I can remember, we'd find old glass bottles, license plates, and Schlitz beer cans on the hill, usually after a rainstorm uncovered them.
But this weekend as we raked all the leaves off and cut back the thorn bushes, Glenn uncovered two rusty old guns, or at least the barrels. The stocks and everything else were gone, but burried together was a rifle and a shotgun.
First the creepy hut, now we're finding old guns.
Who knows why they were burried there. This guy dumped all his trash on that hill, so it's more likely that he just threw them out than if he hid them to cover some sordid crime. Maybe his mama put them in the ground because he can't shoot them anymore.
I'd like to know exactly what kind they are and how old they are. I don't know the first thing about guns, so for all I know they could just be BB guns. But they look really old. And anything over 100 years old that you find in the ground is cool.
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